11 Tips to Win Undergraduate Scholarships

Do you want to win undergraduate scholarships? If yes, read these 11 tips from our scholarship expert.

Many big companies run scholarship programmes for undergraduate and post graduate students as part of their corporate social responsibility plans.

These scholarship programmes are usually available each year, and they are also usually aimed at a particular section of students. Scholarships for undergraduate students usually cover tuition and other basic fees and expenses that a student would need to pay for during an academic session. These scholarships run through the course of the student’s stay in school.

In most cases, a test is conducted to pick the best students and such students are offered the scholarships. The scholarships could be in cash, where an amount is paid into the student’s account, or in any other way that the company finds convenient.

Getting a scholarship could be a huge boost for you. All you have to do after securing them, is to maintain a certain grade level, which is usually 3.0 or 3.5 and above in a 5 point grading system.

The challange with getting scholarships is that so many people apply for these scholarships and the awarding panel go through a series of processes even before the actual tests to select worthy candidates for these scholarships.

In this article, we are going to give you some tips that would increase your chances of geting called for the tests, and excelling in the tests.

11 Tipts to Win Undergraduate Scholarships


Although friends and family members might stumble on new scholarship calls and inform you of them, or you yourself might stumble on such posts by chance…

The truth is that scholarship opportunities don’t come knocking. Numerous scholarships are available and the only way to guarantee that the best ones don’t pass you by is to aim your focus on finding scholarships.

Use google or specialized scholarship websites or blogs and check daily or weekly for scholarship opportunities. This way, when something new pops up, you would be one of the first to get wind of it. You can never be sure, applying on time might increase your chances of getting picked.


– The application forms could be online or at a predetermined location for pick up. After getting this form, make sure you read through and be certain of the information required.
-Avoid mistakes while filling your form. If it is a physical form, ensure you treat it neatly and avoid excessive cancellation.
– You should know that the form is the first evaluation criterion, so you have to be cautious about this. You have all the time in the world. If you are required to write in block letters, write in block letters.
– Try to fill as much spaces as possible, but be sure of the columns that you are either not expected to fill because you do not qualify for those sections, or because they are for official use only.
– What you fill in the form can determine whether you are qualified for the scholarship or not. For example, when you state that your father’s annual income is over N5m, and someone else states N1m, it is logical to assume that the second person needs the scholarship more. Scholarships are meant to help out… not increase luxury. However, this does not mean you should lie and understate figures. If it is discovered that you were not truthful, your scholarship can be withdrawn.
– Do not falsify information in a bid to secure the scholarship.
– Submit your form on time, and if there is a portion where you are to sign, you might add the day’s date to your signature.
– In most scholarship application forms, there is usually a section where you would be asked to give reasons why you should be given the scholarship. This is where you sell yourself in the most convincing way. Explain in as few words as possible why you need the scholarship. However, try not to over-do it.


Following instructions significantly increases your chances of securing scholarships. The manner of submission, the items that should accompany your application form, documents you should upload, how you should upload them, etc.

Some people might just keep your application aside when they discover that you uploaded a document in word format, instead of pdf that was requested.

Also, some processing applications might not be able to read images that are above a certain size. Sending your passport in a size larger than what was requested might render your application invalid.
– Be sure that your application was correctly submitted, especially if you registered onlline.


Preparing for scholarship exams is not like preparing for your school’s exam where you know what to read and how to pass. Different companies outsource thier scholarship examinations to agencies that help them conduct the examinations. Some of the questions are logic questions, others are just general questions. You must be prepared at every point in time.


On the day of the exam, it pays to be punctual. This affords you the chance to locate your venue and settle down on time. Remember to hang around the area and not wander far from the venue.


Most big companies’ scholarship exams these days are e-based tests. You have to be very time conscious. Immediately you get to the computer and input your details, ensure that you look at how many minutes you have been given.

Also take note of the number of questions you are to answer. By doing this you can decide how many seconds you have for each question. When you are not sure of an answer, leave that question and go to another, but remember to select any of the options that might most likely be the answer.

Never skip a question without picking an answer. This is because you might not have enough time to go back to it. Questions that would take a lot of time to solve should be skipped, unless that is the nature of all the questions.


Never jump to a conclusion. Be sure you understand the question before you answer. For example, if questions 1 and 2 are asking for synonyms, don’t just assume question will equally be about synonyms.


IQ questions are either completely straight forward or purposely made to confuse you. Whenever something seems off about a question, never assume the examiners made a mistake. A question like:

– Which of these statements is correct?
a) the yolks of the eggs IS blue
b) the yolks of the eggs ARE blue
c) both
d) none
This question looks quite confusing but it is relatively easy. ‘is’ or ‘are’, which is correct? The second statement looks correct… or atleast it looks better than the first, since more than one yolk can be in one egg.

However, while you may be tempted to say statement B is correct, you should know that yolks are orange or yellow, never blue. Hence, none of the statements are correct. This is not an English Language exam… remember that.


After you are done with your test, submit your answer sheet the right way and avoid problems in the hall. Make sure you write your name correctly and other required details. If it is an electronic based exam, ensure you click on the submit button and receive confirmation that you have correctly submitted.


Now you have secured the scholarship, what next? You have to ensure you maintain your grades and other requirements for the scholarship to continue. You can also attempt other scholarship exams, but don’t attempt any one similar to the one you already have.

11. Use Scholar Past Questions:

Most scholarship aptitude test contain repeated question. So, it’s very important that that you practice for the test with scholarship past questions. This will help you to know the nature of the exam before the date.

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