Types of Fish Feed In Nigeria

Here in this post, we are going to bring you a detailed list of types of fish feed in Nigeria. We hope you find this article invaluable.

Food, as we all know is the major element for living for every animal. Unlike other animals, fish for instance, also needs sufficient food that are nutritious for survival and proper growth. Therefore, fish production cannot be possible without good nutritious feed.

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Types of Fish Feed In Nigeria
Types of Fish Feed In Nigeria – Photo Source: http://www.livestockfeedsplc.com/

Fish Feed Ingredients

Fish feed has some ingredients, and these ingredients, which have a well-balanced nutrition are:

-Protein and

-Carbohydrate and

-Fat and

-Vitamins and

-Minerals as well as

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Accordingly, feed such as moss and/or aquatic insects that are being produced naturally in the pond are never sufficient for fish consumption, although, there are other natural feed found in the pond which can be taken by fish within the initial few days.

Again putting fertilizer inside the pond for the purpose of producing natural feed for fish cannot amount to proper and necessary fish feed production, since that will not make the fishes grow faster.

However, what ensures fast growth of fish in the pond are natural feeds and supplementary feed. Therefore it is important and a must to apply supplementary feed for fish in the pond in order to enhance high productivity in fish production.

Different Types of Fish Feed

There are two types of fish feed, and these are:

1. Natural feed

2. Supplementary feed

I will be describing these two types of fish feed below:

Natural Fish Feed

The natural fish feed grows naturally in the fish pond and also in the stream from natural fertility of the soil and the water, also applying fertilizer in the fish pond is considered as natural feed of fish.

Natural fish feed is the major source of fish feed for survival. Now availability of this natural fish feed actually shows the primary production capability of the pond or stream. Below are the natural fish feed:

-Plankton, including

-Wolffia, and eichhornia, and pistia, and lemna. Others include,

-Tiny aquatic insects and

-Rotted part of animal and plants and

-Basal organic elements and

-Different types of grasses such as napier, and para among others

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Supplementary Fish Feed

The second one in supplementary fish feed. In fact, fish deserves some extra feed including those natural feed available in water for their survival and growth.

This extra feed produced for fish consumption are known as supplementary fish feed. Below are supplementary fish feed:

-Rice bran and

-Refined pulse, as well as wheat roughage, including

-Mustard or sesame cake. Others are:

-Fish-meal, that is, fish powder and

-Crop grain and

-Silk kit meal

-Blood and innards of bird or animal are also included

-Green leaves of various vegetables and

-Minerals and vitamins, as well as,

-Kitchen leftovers are among the list and

-Maize powder and refined chaff and

-Dried molasses among others

These manufactured fish feeds are an important and major part of commercial aquaculture, and has helped in providing balanced nutrition needed to grow fish.

When these feeds come in the form of granules or in the form of pellets, they will provide nutrition in a stable and concentrated form, whereby, enabling the fish to take in food efficiently in order to grow to their full potential.

Types of Fish Feed

Apart from natural fish feed found in the fish pond, prepared feeds are those feeds commonly used in growing fish, and the feeds are either made by the aquarists or they are bought for fish consumption.

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Dry Fish Foods

These are also called       flake food, and they are types of proprietary and/or artificially manufactured feeds for fish consumption.

These feeds are consumed by a broad variety of tropical fish and saltwater fish including invertebrates. The feeds are well suited to top dwellers fish and mid-water fish, even though many bottom dwelling fishes do consumed flake food once they are settled at the bottom of the pond.

Interestingly, this fish feed is baked in order to remove moisture, so as to ensuring a longer shelf life. Because the more there are moisture in a particular fish feed, the more the quality of the feed will deteriorate.

Vacation Fish Food

Vacation fish foods is also called either food blocks or weekend blocks. Vacation fish feed is prepared and designed to be put in the aquarium for fish consumption while the owner of the farm is absent.

What these blocks feed do is to release some small amounts of the feed as the blocks food dissolves. Although, blocks fish food can actually be the best and good choice for smaller tropical fish, but if they are neglect for long in the pond, they can pollute the fish pond.

Medicated Fish Feed

In applying medication to fish, the most safer and efficient way to do this is through medicated fish food. The advantage of this feed is that, it does not contaminate the pond and the aquatic environment.

Again, unlike bath treatments, medicated feed does not affect fish negatively, neither does it affect filtration and algae growth in the fish pond, the only thing is that, the parasites will be carrying some treated spot by way of medicated food, because the fishes are ingesting them.

Freeze-dried and Frozen Fish Feed

Freeze-dried and frozen fish feed is prepared simply for tropical fish and marine fish. The feed is also useful for fish because it provides variety to the fish diet, as well as, provides specialist feeding needs necessary and needed for fish growth, and these include:

-tubifex worms and

-mosquito larvae and

-bloodworms and

-water fleas such as aphnia and cyclops spp. including brine shrimp, that is, artemia salina.

Frozen Fish Feed

These are perishable fish food, which can be preserved by frozening and storing them. The feeds can be sold either in blister packs or in resealable packets, and they contained a variety of fish ingredients like:

-Bloodworms and

-Daphnia and/or brine shrimp

According to  globalmarinerenewable.com, this particular feed is used more often in feeding fishes such as Discus, because they need a high protein diet. Discus can also feed on beef heart fish food, found in the aquaculture industry, although they are not the only fishes that fed from a high quality prepared frozen mixture for instance, like beef heart.

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Fish production cannot be possible in Nigeria without good and sufficient nutrition for fish growth, and these feeds, for the most part are prepared as supplementary fish feed.

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