Leasing Agent Job Description and Roles/Responsibilities, Qualifications

Leasing Agent Job Description and Roles/Responsibilities, Qualifications

Leasing agent job description: A Leasing Agent, also known as a Residential Leasing Agent, is responsible for renting out residential premises and supporting renters with their needs. Their responsibilities include meeting with new renters to discuss lease terms, collecting security deposits, and coordinating with current tenants to make lease modifications. A Leasing Agent is a … Read more

Duties of a Leasing Agent

Duties of a Leasing Agent

Duties of a Leasing Agent: A Leasing Agent, also called a Residential Leasing Agent, is in charge of renting out homes and helping tenants with whatever they need. Their job is to meet with potential tenants to talk about lease terms, get security deposits, and work with current tenants to talk about lease changes. A … Read more