Premature Ejaculation; Causes, Effects and How to Stop it

Premature ejaculation also known as early ejaculation, rapid climax or premature climax is probably the most common sexual problem faced by men at some point in their active sexual lives.

In fact, the Harvard Health Publications reports that as many as one in every five men experience this problem at some point in life.

It would be beneficial to attach some specifics to this problem. Premature ejaculation can be defined as a situation when a man experiences orgasm and expels semen soon after the beginning of sexual activity, and with minimal penile stimulation.

With this definition in mind, it would make sense to know what might be referred to as “soon” or “premature”. While a consensus of experts at the International Society of Sexual Medicine stipulates “premature” as any period “prior to or within a minute”, the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) puts it as “15 seconds from the beginning of sexual intercourse”.

Premature ejaculation can also be described as a situation where a man reaches orgasm and ejaculates without control.

In as much as almost every man would wish to last longer between the sheets, a period of 4 to 8 minutes is completely healthy.


Causes of Premature Ejaculation

According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, premature ejaculation is more of a psychological problem than a physical one.

A lot of myths abound as to what causes it, such as excessive masturbation, but these have not been proven medically as causes.

However research has shown that men who are experiencing stress, depression, anxiety, guilt and other psychological problems tend to suffer from premature ejaculation.

Unchecked mental and emotional problems can further aggravate this problem.

Apart from psychological problems, premature ejaculation can also be a sign of a physical problem such as prostate gland inflammation or spinal cord problems.

In as much as premature ejaculation should not be seen as a very serious medical condition, persistent and chronic cases might be a pointer to other more serious problems with the prostate gland.


Effects of Premature Ejaculation

The attending effects of premature ejaculation can range from the inconsequential to the substantial, depending on the individuals involved. Premature ejaculation can result in the following;

  • Loss of Sexual Confidence: Premature ejaculation usually results in loss of sexual confidence amongst men because they feel that they are incapable of satisfying their partner adequately. Some might begin to think their partners might seek sexual satisfaction elsewhere thus leading to conflict and putting a strain on their relationship.
  • Low Sexual Satisfaction: Most men who suffer from this condition also experience little or no sexual satisfaction because they are unable to engage in activity for as long as they or their partner deem necessary.
  • Feeling of guilt, embarrassment and general frustration.
  • Infertility: In very chronic cases of premature ejaculation, the man might ejaculate even before he can initiate penile penetration. In such cases, it might become very difficult or even impossible for his partner to get pregnant.


How to Stop Premature Ejaculation

As earlier stated, premature ejaculation is more of a psychological problem than a physical one. It is definitely not a damning condition, as many men experience spells of premature ejaculation but then improve on their own after understanding their bodies better.

So if you are suffering from the condition, just keep calm as between 60% to 90% of men get rid of the problem by behavioural therapy only.

It would also help to be open about sex, and not to blame yourself because anyone can experience sexual problems. Do not feel inadequate or blame your partner, instead discuss the situation openly with her.

The following techniques can be applied to improve or completely stop premature ejaculation.

  • The Squeeze Method: This method involves the man or his partner gently squeezing the area just below the head of the penis between the thumb and the two fingers. This should be done gently in order not to cause pain which could result in the complete loss of erection. The penis should be held down for about 20 seconds, let go, and allow sexual relations to continue. This can be repeated as often as necessary. Studies by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine showed that about 60% of the men were able to regain control of their ejaculation within a few weeks of using this method. This method requires the cooperation of both partners, hence it is further emphasized that there should be an open conversation beforehand.
  • Deep Breathing: The point of ejaculation is mostly associated with rapid and shallow breathing. Deep breathing can help to control the arousal and tension that leads to quick ejaculation. Try as much as possible to avoid breathing in a short and shallow manner. This method can be practiced by slowly taking in a deep breath, holding it for about three seconds and then exhaling slowly. Continue this process during intercourse at any time you feel like ejaculating, and with time master the skill of controlling the ejaculation.
  • Kegel Exercises: Kegels are exercises that are focused on strengthening the pelvic region. This is done by exercising the pubococcygeus muscle (PC muscle). This muscle can be discovered to trying to hold back urine while you take a leak. Once this muscle is discovered, it is then worked by contracting and holding it in place for about 10 seconds, then releasing. This process can be repeated continuously throughout the day. Frequent practicing of the PC muscles can help to control ejaculation by squeezing them when close to orgasm.
  • Benzocaine Cream and Condom: Benzocaine acts as a mild anaesthetic, thereby numbing the penis slightly. This would reduce the sexual sensation felt during intercourse to a manageable level. It is more advisable to use benzocaine condoms instead of the cream. A good one is the Durex Extended Pleasure condoms.
  • Promescent: Promescent is a cream that is applied on the penis ten minutes before sex. It functions much like the benzocaine cream by desensitizing the penis for extended sex, except that it is absorbed into the skin of the penis. This absorbing property makes it desirable because it does not render the partner numb.

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If there are no improvements after the application of these techniques, it is advised that a qualified medical personnel should be consulted.

Antidepressant have been known to assist with the control of premature ejaculation but these must only be taken after discussions with a qualified doctor due to the side effects.

**Disclaimer: This write up is not intended to serve as a substitute for proper medical attention. If you feel you have serious problems, please see a doctor**

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