10 Reasons why Nigerians are Fleeing Nigeria (want to travel abroad)

In this post, we will review the top 10 Reasons why Nigerians are fleeing Nigeria. See the main reasons why over 80% of Nigerians want to travel abroad here.

No doubt, there is this strong feeling in a number of Nigerians want to flee the country. However, this Nigeria-abroad drift trend started sometime in 1980.

Many Nigerians, have had this dream of traveling outside the country just for reason greater than just traveling. Fleeing Nigeria to the western world is almost like part of the vision for many Nigerians today, and I believe there is a strong reason behind this.

There are a good number of reasons why Nigerians are fleeing Nigeria. In this article, I will try to identify those reasons why Nigerians are leaving the country.

10 Reasons Why Nigerians Are Fleeing Nigeria

Like l have said earlier, in the beginning, there are many reasons attached to why Nigerians are fleeing the country, and l have promised to identify these reasons in this article, therefore, below are some of the reasons why Nigerians are fleeing Nigeria, wanting to travel abroad.

1. To Expand Their Sources Of Income:

The desire to expand one’s source of income has been identified as one of the major reasons why Nigerians want to travel abroad.

They had believed that as skilled workers, they are standing chances of increasing their income, should they travel abroad. So this is considered one key reason Nigerians are fleeing the country.

You can see the difference, in terms of income, between Nigeria and the developed countries, it is not the same, therefore, many Nigerians will be willing to leaving the country for abroad in order to make sure they improve their economic status.

2. To Advance Their Career:

Advancement of a career is another reason why Nigerians are traveling abroad. Look everywhere, and you will see that, in Nigeria, there are limited career opportunities. The rate of unemployment in Nigeria is very high compared to western countries.

You cannot expect those Nigerians whose passion is a kind that they hope to pursue a career that is not necessarily within the orthodox make-up.

Take, for instance, people who wish to be Artists, as well as, involved in creative work will believe that they can easily thrive there in the abroad than Nigeria.

3. To Search For Job Opportunities:

To search for job opportunities remained one of the cardinal reasons why Nigerians are fleeing Nigeria, as the rate of unemployment in the country is increasing on a daily basis.

In the western world, for example, job opportunities abound, and are available for every qualified person living there.

So you can see why Nigerians are leaving the country, all in search of jobs.

4. To Go To School:

Education generally has also been identified as one of the reasons why Nigerians are fleeing the country – wanting to travel abroad.

Take, for instance,  students in Nigeria in most cases do have issues with lecturers, and university strikes in the country are alarming including many other problems the educational system is facing in the country.

So in most developed countries, these issues are being regulated, and possibly minimized, where students have free course in pursuing their individual disciplines in tertial institutions.

5. To Expose One’s Children:

Exposure of one’s children is another major reason why Nigerians are traveling abroad. Children who grew up in western countries tend to be exposed to modern technology that will impact positively in their lives.

If you can take a close look at the advancements in the technological and also industrial systems the world over, you will discover that many of these developed nations will be leaving many Nigerians behind, if they are not pursuing their career abroad.

Many Nigerians sent their children abroad so as to make sure that their children are not put behind.

6. To Achieve  a Good structure In Life:

One of the reasons Nigerians are fleeing from the country to abroad is to secure order and good structure for their lives.

There is no order in Nigeria, neither does the country is planning to have that. Nigeria, as a country, according to some of her citizens is a country that is full of cunning people hence, some Nigerians find it difficult to cope in a country such as Nigeria.

Some of them could not afford better education, they could not secure jobs and better healthcare services.

7. Out Of Ignorance:

Many Nigerians are traveling out of the country out of ignorance. They are mistakenly thinking that perhaps they will secure a better life outside the country.

This is true because according to one of the foreign investors in the country from China, he once said that, there are so many opportunities in Nigeria, adding that, it is unfortunate that, most Nigerians just fleed the country only to go to the overseas and risk their own lives there.

The truth is that some of the odd jobs available abroad if in Nigeria, many of them would not want to do them.

8. To Run Away From Hardship Of Recession:

Another reason why Nigerians are fleeing Nigeria to other developed nations of the world is as a result of recession challenges.

Nigeria is one of the countries in the world that usually ran into economic recession perhaps, because of bad leadership in the country.

Therefore, to escape from the hardship occasioned by the economic downturn, Nigerians will have no other option than to flee from the country to other economic viable nations of the world in search of greener pastures.

9. To Improve Upon Their Economic Well-being:

Poverty generally has remained another major reason why Nigerians are fleeing the country to abroad in order to secure a better living.

Going by this Nigeria-abroad drift, it is, therefore, incumbent on the part of the Nigerian leaders to device means of combating poverty in the country.

Through wealth creation in the country, the issue of Nigerians fleeing the country to overseas in search of a better life will be drastically minimized.

10. To Access Good Security Of Lives And Properties:

One of the reasons identified as making Nigerians flee from their own country to abroad is Nigeria security challenges.

Nigeria, as a country is prone to security challenges. On a daily basis, human lives in the country are destroyed, including properties as a result of the insurgency called, the Boko Haram.

The security challenge in the country has brought the country’s economy to her knees, as the investors are being wary of coming in and invest in the country.

So it becomes difficult living in a country, where one’s life and properties could not be protected. So this also serves as one of the reasons why Nigerians are fleeing from their country abroad.


Like l said at the beginning of this article that, there are a good number of reasons why Nigerians are fleeing Nigeria, and in this article, l have identified some the reasons why Nigerians are leaving the country. Feel free to share it if you love it.

Thanks for reading!

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