Hi there! Whether you just stumbled on this article or you specifically searched for it, I promise to make your read as interesting and informative as possible. It’s about how to produce and sell insecticides in Nigeria. As you can see, the keywords here are:
– Insecticide
– Nigeria
– How to
Therefore, that is what this article basically aims to address. I honestly hope that after you are done reading, you would be more confident in taking that bold step to venture into making insecticides for home use or for sales or both. Video guides will soon be made available, so make sure you check back regularly, as we continuously strive to help you out to the best of our ability.
What are Insecticides?
Insecticides are simply chemicals in gaseous or liquid or any other form, used to kill insects. Insecticides do not just kill insects, they also repel them. This means that insects stay off areas where insecticides have been applied, lest they die.
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Why is the Production of Insecticides a Good Business in Nigeria?
People use insecticides all over Nigeria. The climatic nature of Nigeria, coupled with the increasingly unkempt environment of most regions in Nigeria, makes the use of insecticides almost inevitable. There are mosquitoes and other bugs flying around everywhere you go. These bugs mean sickness, sickness means hospitals, hospitals mean medical bills. And you would agree with me that medical bills cost way more than a dozen insecticides. This is why the insecticide business booms in Nigeria, and if you can make your product stand out with top notch quality and reliability, your customer base will be bigger than you dreamt of in time.
In Nigeria today, things are so expensive that even the wealthy people are complaining. Everybody is looking for how to save cost on one item or the other, so as to have more free money to work with. It is not unusual to find people leaving their cars at home and opting for public transport once in a while.
This tells you that people are looking for cheaper ways of living. You can provide that for them in the form of liquid insecticides. Today in the market, popular spray insecticides like Raid, Baygon, etc have sky-rocketed their prices. People are looking for alternatives, but they do not know how to get such.
The spray insecticides have the advantage of portability and flexibility. Their packaging is top notch, and it makes the handler seem ‘tush’. So why don’t you get creative with your packaging of the liquid insecticides? There are cost effective ways of creatively branding and packaging your products, and in reality, Nigerians won’t mind since it’s saving them some extra dough.
The best business ideas are usually circumstantial, and as the prevailing economic circumstance dictates, you just have to find a way to make the best out of it.
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In all my articles, one thing I am usually particular about is value creation. If your product does not create value, then it is not supposed to be in the market. The simple reasoning behind value creation is.. Why would the average person want to buy your product? Why would YOU want to buy your product?
In this case, the product is insecticide. The value creation goes both ways – creating value for you customer in the form of quality pocket friendly products that will help him solve his insects problem; and creating value for you in terms of profit.
Liquid insecticides are better for you because of the reduced production and packaging costs, and are better for the consumer because of reduced prices.
So now you have an edge over the spray insecticide makers, but what will help you maintain that edge? Quality and Effectiveness. This means that your insecticides have to be able to do the same work the spray insecticides are doing, so that users will not see any reason to go back to spray insecticides.
Now that I have given a detailed background, it is time for the next level. How to make these liquid Insecticides. I always like my articles to be as simple as possible, so there shouldn’t be any serious difficulties you would face, if you follow this guide.
However, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to comment or contact us via our email or phone numbers given. We will help you in the best way we can to make sure you start business on the right note. Video guides will be made available soon, so do check back regularly, as we continuously strive to assist you to the best of our ability.
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There are several ways to make insecticides, whether it is for agricultural use or home use. I will put you through three methods.
Method 1:
1. Molten Rosen
2. Caustic soda
3. A pot
4. Soya bean oil
5. Sodium
6. Borax
7. Cresol
8. Creosote Casein
9. Castor oil
10. Tar acid
Step 1: Put the pot on fire and add a little water to boil 33% caustic soda
Step 2: Add the boiling solution of caustic soda to the essential oils i.e.Your soya bean oil and castor oil.
Step 3: Add the molten rosin. Quantity largely depends on you.
Step 4: While doing the above, make sure you have another boiling pot of water on fire. Add the boiling water into the now foamy solution to dissolve it.
Step 5: Gently pour in the creosote and cresol and stir cautiously and immediately add borax to the mix.
Another wau you can do this is to first dissolve casein in water and later add borax. This is then filtered gently, and creosote and cresol are added. There you have it.
Method 2:
1. Camphor
2. Turpentine
3. Boric Acid
Step 1: Grind the camphor and measure out one part off it.
Step 2: Add four parts or turpentine and one part of boric acid and mix rigorously.
One thing you should note is that you do not want your insecticide to choke the people around. So if you realise that it is choking, you can add more turpentine to reduce the concentration. Put your insecticide in a sprayer and try its effectiveness. Remember, packaging is key, when you are ready to sell.
Method 3:
This third method is divided into two parts. It can be used for both home and agricultural purpose. The first part involves:
1. Neem oil
2. Essential oils like castor oil and soya bean oil or lavender.
3. Water
4. Detergent
Step 1: Take about 1 gallon of water and add 2 tablespoons of neem oil.
Step 2: Add 1/2 table spoons of lavender and rosemary essential oils or soya bean and castor oils.
Step 3: Add 2 table spoons of detergent and mix thoroughly. Now you can put into the sprayer and spray.
Also, you can mix one table spoon of detergent with one table spoon of ammonia sulphate and mix thoroughly, for agricultural use.
I hope this article was useful to you. If you have any questions or need any form of assistance with this topic, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or through the comment box. Thank you for your time.