10 Problems of Research in Nigeria and Possible Solutions

The importance of research can never be underestimated in our everyday life because research involves everything you do. Research is simply the accumulation of knowledge; research is the careful, detailed and systematic collection of data in other to increase stock of knowledge or information.

In a country as wealthy and blessed in resources with a population of over 180 million citizens like Nigeria, what could be the problem of research in Nigeria and what is the possible solution?

10 Problems of Research in Nigeria and Possible Solutions

Here will cover the following topics:

  • challenges of effective research in nigeria
  • solutions to research problems in nigeria
  • studymode five problems facing research in nigeria
  • what are the problems of research
  • what are the problems of educational research
  • problems of research in developing countries
  • solutions to the problems of educational research
  • limitations of educational research in nigeria

Do not assume that this topic does not concern you because research affects human culture and the society; in fact it concern everything you do. If you ever surfed any ecommerce store on the internet in search of the price of a goods or service, you have subconsciously carried out a form of research called Exploratory Research.

Even in business, when you are about to introduce a new product into the market your product must undergo a form of research called Market Research or otherwise called Market Survey.

10 Problems of Research in Nigeria and Possible Solutions

Researching a study, a theorem or generally researching in other to accrue more facts sure has its numerous purposes and usefulness to you as a Nigerian but here are 10 Problems of Research in Nigeria and their Possible Solutions.


Because of the importance of Research in academics, modern inventions, general human life and culture, there are ethical applications and principles which must be judiciously followed when conducting any form of research.

Research Ethics involves the application of fundamental ethical principles to a diversity of topics involving research like a Scientific Research.

Nigeria researchers and researches done in Nigeria needs to follow the proper ethical applications, approach and principles in conducting research to ensure credibility. Meaning that in other to properly tackle the problems of research in Nigeria, researchers in Nigeria must be well trained.


Some academic professionals believe that Research Methodology is a systematic plan for conducting research but a Research Methodology is the general research strategy that outlines the various methods in which a Researcher should go about his research.

Research Methodology helps the researcher to identify which method or set of methods or best practices can be applied to a specific study. Wrongly adopted methodology is one of the major problem upsetting Nigerian researchers and largely influencing research results in Nigeria.

Although Nigerian sorely strive to become the best in whatever field they venture into but some Nigerian researchers do not necessarily follow the acceptable, accurate and normal methods of conducting research.

To tackle this problem of research in Nigeria, Nigerian researchers should study and follow the appropriate Research Methodology because even though you possess the other nine qualities in this article without following the acceptable and proper Research Methodology your research result, conclusion or theorem will never be accepted.


In other to tackle the problems of research in Nigeria and find possible solutions, researchers must be well trained. How do you train your people to be professional without a functional education system? “Import Knowledge”.

Nigeria needs a total makeover in her education sector from basic up to tertiary level. The truth is that our education system is badly broken and barely functional; and it is not necessarily about the education structure, the education systems or the philosophies but our education system is completely ineffective because of the way we teach our future researchers.

For example, some Nigerian schools mostly teach only about the theoretical aspect of research rather than the practical aspect of conducting a credible and acceptable research.

Read More: 15 Problems of Education in Nigeria and Possible Solutions


A system with a badly broken education system is likely to also have a badly broken library system. School-owned libraries in Nigeria usually offer limited research materials and membership restrictions; public libraries are usually scanty; the best libraries in Nigeria are usually private-owned libraries and also the most valuable libraries.

The understocked libraries in Nigeria is another major problem of research in Nigeria. Libraries around Nigeria should be stocked with copies of old and new acts, rules, reports, and other academic, economic and government publications.

The very few operational libraries around the country are also poorly managed most times researcher spend most of their time locating the books, journals or reports needed to conduct an acceptable and credible research than actually uncovering relevant evidence, data or information from the materials.

Read More: Problems and Prospects of Library Automation in Nigeria


Another major problem of research in Nigeria is the poor state of infrastructure. The laboratories in some Nigerian schools are ill kept, mismanaged and under-maintained hence, discouraging and toting more heaviness on the workload of researchers in Nigeria.

The best way to go about finding a possible solution to this problem is to encourage public-private infrastructural development to aid science and research; not just developing the infrastructures but also managing and maintaining what have been developed.


information these days is not cheap. With the ineffective educational and library system getting access to data and information will pose somewhat of a barrier to researchers in Nigeria when conducting a research.

Nigeria also barely has a data base that is built to take stock of data and information which can easily be retrieved by authorised researchers like in the western countries.

The access to journals, reports and statistics needed by researchers in conducting research whether on the internet or in print is outrageously expensive hence encouraging the researcher in Nigeria to abandon the research before actually starting.

The Government in collaboration with other corporate organisations operating in Nigeria can provide a helping hand by aiding scientist and researchers to gain subsidized access to any information needed for conducting their research in Nigeria.


Security generally is a problem in Nigeria. The improvised availability of published data from academic institutes, government agencies and other corporate agencies operating in Nigeria is a huge problem of research in Nigeria.


Time and Money are the two most valuable factors in life and the only two factors you can invest. Another problem of research in Nigeria is the lack of money and time.

Research facilities are not cheap to set up these days; neither is the cost of research equipment needed to conduct these research and then the need to properly manage these research facilities and apparatus effectively.

Time also is a limiting factor of research in Nigeria because most professionals in Nigeria are either joggling two jobs or too occupied in one job to give time to research. For instance a university lecturer who is also a clinical psychologist.


Most of Nigeria researchers are generally old school (pen and paper) and this is a major problem of research in Nigeria because most of these journals, reports and data needed to conduct research are stored in a retrievable technological data base like a secured server by government agencies or corporate organisations operating in Nigeria.

A researcher with a limited technological skill would probably spend all his time surfing through useful data on a technological data base without fully knowing the usefulness of such data because of a restricted technological skills or knowledge.

In other to effective tackle this problem of research in Nigeria, technological skill should be imbibed school curricula to efficiently prepare the researcher.

Read Also: 10 Problems Of ICT in Nigeria and Possible Solutions


Any country with political uncertainty always find its developmental process really hard and unbearably slow. Political Uncertainty is arguably the catalyst for most of the problems of research in Nigeria like the ineffective education system in Nigeria, the ineffective library system in Nigeria, poor infrastructural management in Nigeria and the poor technological advancement in Nigeria.

Most of the lecturers, scientists are researcher who should be conducting acceptable and credible research in the laboratories are busy trying to help patch up the suffering democracy, the political uncertainties or aiding to tear everything apart.


In conclusion, some of the problems of research in Nigeria including creating an increased pool of well trained professionals, providing the resources needed, improving the relative status of researchers, making the availability of research material easier and strengthening the nation’s infrastructure can only be solved through time.

Apart from direct financial and technical support from the government and other cooperate organisations, there is a continuous need for international assistance through the provision of fellowships, field trips, visiting researchers and establishing facilities for research studies.

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