7 Ways to Prevent Headache Naturally without Drugs

I hate it whenever those loud thuds begin to pound my brain, it’s almost as if the hoofs of a horse keep hitting it like a hammer. Most times, it slows me down because I can hardly process things in that state.

I believe that just like me headaches are a serious pain to you and that is why I had to write this.

Getting around a problem is easier when you understand the causes and nip them in the bud. The best solution is not in the cure but the prevention.

To this end, I have discovered that there are certain things that trigger a headache; note them.


1. Rest Enough

Life as it is in Nigeria is already very stressful, being a worker also adds its own weight. If you work for long hours and support yourself with little rest headaches are bound to set in.

If your job takes a lot of your time leaving you to only a few hours you may have to consider switching…if it affects you.

Also, the distance from your house to your workplace is also a factor, even the means of transportation. No doubt, all of this, in addition to work hours, could make your stress level spike causing headaches.

Make time for adequate rest not only during the weekends but also during the week.


2. Change Your Posture Always

Staying in one position for a long time could cause a headache. For instance, standing or sitting for long. Even if you change positions, ensure that whatever position you choose is comfortable.

Because, over time it may affect your muscles. If you are prone to handle phones, perhaps due to work, note that constantly holding the phone against your ear may also trigger a headache.

Alternatively, you could opt for ear plugs to make the process seamless. Also, sometimes when I wake up I feel pain around my neck region and this is caused by a bad sleeping position.

This pain could also lead to a headache. Resolve this by finding a comfortable sleeping position that works for you.


3. Prepare for the Bad weather

This also causes headache for some people, it doesn’t for me. If you are a victim of this, well there is nothing you can do about the weather but you can prepare for it.

If it’s the harmattan season that triggers it, get sweaters, socks, boots and Vaseline for your skin. At least, if you don’t feel cold the headache won’t come.

Also consider following weather reports to know if or when the weather would decide to play the bad guy. That way you won’t be taken by surprise when it does.


4. Avoid Bright light

Your eyes and bright lights are sworn enemies. If they must come in contact it must be briefly if not the eyes would get irritated and send a message to the brain to feel the same way too.

Thus, triggering a headache. So avoid them. If it’s a sunny day consider putting on a pair of sunglasses. At night when a car is approaching you and the headlights aimed at you try to avoid them.

Perhaps even more dangerous are flickering lights, that is, lights that ‘blink’ frequently. They upset the eyes too. So if you have that at your workplace you may have to change it.

Those frequent pangs of headache you have may not have been caused by your demanding boss, that light that has been ‘eyeing’ you may just be the cause.


5. Avoid Pent-up anger

When you get really angry notice that soon afterwards your head becomes heavy.

It is heavy not because you got angry but because you didn’t do what had to be done to prevent a headache.

Whenever you get in that state take a deep breath through your nose and release it through your mouth.

The tension you already feel has to be expelled if not your brain would get a fair share of it and respond by causing you pain. And don’t stay angry for long because this could also contribute significantly.


6. Stop Worrying Unnecessarily

People who always worry are susceptible to not only headaches but other serious conditions.

For this reason, I implore you to take things easy and live your life. Don’t worry too much else it will take a toll on your health starting with headaches.

Come to accept that life will always be fraught with challenges and issues, and stay positive all the way. Shun the demands of people that negatively influence your adrenaline and pay attention to positive thinking, it helps..trust me.

7. Drink more Water

Finally, dehydration causes a lot of problems for the body and headaches are not an exception. Stay hydrated by taking water not at your leisure but every time.

Don’t wait until you are thirsty to recognize the need. And eventually when you do, don’t take little and assume it’s okay. All the organs and tissues in your body need it.

Also, don’t assume that a soft or hard drink can pass as a substitute for water, that’s fallacy.

Stay healthy with a clear head by taking all these into consideration.

Your HealthCoach

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