6 Steps to Start Paint Manufacturing Business in Nigeria

Starting a paint manufacturing business in Nigeria is quite easy, all you require is start up fund and a good technical knowledge (you must study the process extensively to have basic knowledge of paint production).

The rate of unemployment and poverty in Nigeria is alarming and can be curbed by boosting local production of most of the goods we consume. Although entrepreneurship in Nigeria is very challenging, one can still be a successful entrepreneur by persisting amidst these challenges.

Infoguide encourages self employment and entrepreneurship because it is one of the most effective ways of gaining financial independence, adding economic value through the provision of goods and services and curbing poverty and unemployment rate by employing others.

This article contains basic information on how to start a paint manufacturing business in Nigeria which is a thriving market for paint products as new buildings ( homes, offices, business and recreational centers) are constructed on a daily basis.

6 Steps to Start Paint Manufacturing Business in Nigeria

Here is a practical guide on how to start a paint manufacturing business of your own:


Planning entails carrying out adequate research. You will have to provide answers to relevant questions like how to get start up capital, scale of kick off production, do you intend to start on a large medium or small scale? Who are my targeted consumers? How do I please them and get the attracted to my products? What will my company be called?

Read More on the: 5 Ways to Improve your Business through Market Research

The answers to these questions will serve as a foundation for your business. After planning you need to begin implementing your plans. The first thing you will sought out is funding.

For a large scale production you may need from three million naira as start up fund but for a small scale production about three hundred thousand naira will do.

To secure financial investors or a loan from financial institutions, you must draw a detailed and professional plan which will be presented to relevant bodies for approval.


After deciding on the new of your business and how to find it, you will need to register with the corporate affairs commission of Nigeria, the body in charge of registering companies in Nigeria and with the standard organization of Nigeria, the body in charge of regulating manufacturers in Nigeria.

It is advisable go hire a lawyer where legal services are required, your business must not be treated casually or carelessly but with professionalism as a corporate entity.

You must also insure your business against unforeseeable risks in the future.


The next step is to find a suitable location for hire or purchase for the business. The size of your land will be dependent on your scale of production, large scale will require bigger space for facilities and management than small scale.

Other market factors like proximity and accessibility should also be considered when finding a business location.

Read More: 11 Factors to Consider Before Choosing Your Business Location


there are different types of paints which range from emulsion paints, road paints, industrial paints and others. All the raw materials needed for paint production can be obtained in Nigeria. The paint making process is quite easy especially for small scale production. The basic components of paint making are:

SOLVENT: which could be water, alcohol or oil. The use of water is sacrosanct in the paint making process, lukewarm water is needed to mix all chemicals together.

The type of pigment and acrylic base used will determine the solvent suitable for use. Solvents also determine the production of oil and water paints.

One characteristic of a good solvent is the ability of the paint to evaporate when applied on a surface and its ability to retain the mixture of pigment and acrylic base with out loosing the color.

PIGMENT: This is a dry or solid powdered base sold in different colors, it constitutes a major component in paint production. Pigments I Solid forms can be ground manually or by use of a grinding machine.

ACRYLIC: This is a determinant of the final outcome or finishing of paint, it is a white colored substance packed in a tube and mixed with powdered pigments in recommended or appropriate portions to give a desired finishing.

RETARDER: This is a chemical whose function is to slow down the drying of paint when applied on a surface to avoid cracking from quick drying and to enhance durability. It is best used in paint produced for canvass paintings.

TITHERNI: This chemical is used to give the paint a shiny look and prevents it from looking dull and faded.

COLOURITE: This involves the combination of colors in raw form to get a new and different shade. It is a very vital component of paint production.

It practically involves the mixing of two or more primary colors which are yellow, red, black, blue and green to get a secondary color. Colorites come in form of paste or oxide and must be thoroughly mixed to get a defined result.

Other equipment needed for large scale production include:

AN ELECTRIC POWDER MIXER: This is used to mix paint in large quantities for a smooth mix. Machines are obtainable on konga, Julia and other online stores. Their prices vary according to their sizes.

PLASTIC SUPPLIER: Paint producers need a plastic supplying company to supply storage containers consistently at affordable wholesale rates. This will enhance unique packaging and branding which is an essential of any brand.

ELECTRIC GRINDING OR MILLING MACHINE: This is used in grinding any solid substance to powdered forms in the production process. They aid a smoother and faster mix for effective output. These machines can be locally built or purchased at online stores. Their prices are also according to size purchased.


You must take your business seriously if you are bent on succeeding. Marketing must be of top priority. If you are bereft of ideas, you can hire a professional.

Your packaging and branding must be able to capture targeted audience, you must be able to reach and convince customers and potential customers on the authenticity of your products. Market your product aggressively if you intend to build a successful brand that will survive competition.

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Here is a brief summary of how to mix paint for small scale production:

1) Fill up a container with desired quantity of pigment and crush into powdered form, add acrylic base with utmost care by religiously observing the instructions on the base then mix thoroughly with pigment until condition is perfectly blended.

2) Add the solvent (according to the type of paint you intend to make) to the mixture in limited quantity as excess solvent will affect the quality of the paint, then add the acrylic retarder to enhance quality.

3) Thoroughly mix the concoction for a smooth finish then turn into storage containers and pack for distribution.
• Where you are in doubt, please hire a professional to avoid a waste of raw materials.

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