How to apply for Nigerian visa online and Fees

Here is the step-by-step guide on how to apply nigerian visa online and the fees.

Entry Visa/Freezone Guidelines:

    1. Visit the Home page of Nigeria Immigration Portal
    2. Locate & click on the appropriate application form to start the process:
      1. Entry Visa/Freezone Application Form
    3. Fill the Application form; check the ‘ I ACCEPT FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS FORM ‘ check box.
    4. Click on ‘Submit Application’ button to view ‘Applicant details page’
    5. Click on “Proceed to Online Payment”
    6. Click to select Payment Currency “Pay in Dollars” option then Click on ‘Continue’ button

For Payment Outside of Nigeria

    1. If you select a processing country other than Nigeria, your payment will be in US Dollars. You will be re-directed to an approved payment platform to complete your application and make your payment in US Dollars.
  1. Please take your visa payment receipts, passport and other documents to the Nigerian Embassy in your Country of abode on your slated interview date for your Visa.
  2. Please note that you can reschedule your interview date to the next available date by sending your Application id, Reference no and the proposed date to our support mail address

Tourist / Visitor Visa:

  1. Passport valid for at least 6 months.
  2. Duly completed visa application form
  3. Two recent passport size photographs
  4. A Letter of invitation from a company/host in Nigeria accepting immigration responsibility.
  5. Visitors/tourists are required to show evidence of sufficient funds
  6. Evidence of online payment for visa fee

Business Visa:

While a-f above apply, self sponsored business men may not require letter of invitation but will be required to show evidence of sufficient funds

Temporary Work Permit Visa (TWP):

  1. Passport with at least 6 months validity
  2. Printed copy of completed application form for visitors pass
  3. Two recent passport size photographs
  4. A cabled copy of Comptroller General of Immigration Service’s approval

Subject to Regularization (STR)/Employment Visa:

  1. Passport with at least 6 months validity
  2. Completed visa form in quadruplicate with four recent passport photographs
  3. Four copies of letter of Expatriate Quota Approval from Ministry of Interior
  4. Four copies of credentials, certificates and curriculum vitae, all vetted by a relevant official of Nigerian High Commission/Embassy (English Certified translated copy where applicable)
  5. Four copies of letter of offer of employment
  6. Four copies of letter of acceptance of offer by expatriate
  7. Receipt of on-line payment receipt of Visa fee


Re-entry Visa Guidelines:

  1. Visit the Home page of Nigeria Immigration Portal
  2. Locate & click on the appropriate application form to start the process:
    1. Re-entry Visa Application Form
  3. Click on ‘Submit Application’ button to view ‘Applicant details page’
  4. Click on “Proceed to Online Payment”
  5. Click to select Payment Currency “Pay in Naira” option then select PayType (payment method): “Bank”, “Credit/Debit card”.
    1. If you intend to pay at a bank, selected “Bank” and click continue,
      1. View the list of participating banks and then click on ‘Continue’.
      2. The “Print Acknowledgment” button will help you print “Payment Acknowledgment Slip” with Transaction ID, Application ID & Reference Number.
      3. With the copy of your Payment acknowledgement slip, proceed to a participating bank for payment.
      4. On making payment at the bank, you MUST be issued with an ‘approved payment platform provider’ receipt that contains “Validation Number”. You will need the “Validation Number” for confirmation of payment on the portal.
    2. If you intend to pay through Credit/Debit card, select “Credit/Debit card” and click continue,
      1. You will be required to fill in your log-in credentials.
      2. After filling in, click “Login” button and you will be sent to the payment portal
      3. For proceeding with the payment click the “PAY” button.
      4. Payment portal display application details, click on “Continue” button.
      5. You will be prompted to “ValuCard” payment page, provide information of your card & Click on “OK” button
      6. After payment, the “Validation Number” is generated. Store it and use it to confirm the payment.
      7. You can also print a receipt by clicking the “Print the Receipt” button.



The Following Tables list Visa Application Fees by Country. Please note Visa Application Fees for the United Kingdom, United States and Kenya are listed in a separate table below, please scroll to the bottom.

Embassy VISA Fees

Afghanistan Gratis Gratis Gratis Gratis
Albania US$60 US$200 US$100 US$100
Algeria US$50 US$50 US$50 US$50
Andorra US$68 US$68* No US$68 US$68
Angola US$2 US$2* No US$2 US$2
Antigua and Barbuda US$148 US$148* No US$148 US$148
Argentina US$60 US$100 US$125 US$150
Armenia US$60 US$200 US$100 US$100
Australia US$141 US$176 US$176 US$176
Austria US$88 US$110 US$110 US$110
Azerbaijan US$78 US$78 US$78 US$78
Bahamas US$19 US$19 US$19 US$19
Bahrain US$45 US$45 US$45 US$45
Bangladesh US$253 US$253 US$253 US$253
Barbados Gratis Gratis Gratis Gratis
Belarus US$68 US$68 US$68 US$68
Belgium US$88 US$110 US$110 US$110
Belize US$200 US$200 US$200 US$200
Benin US$0 US$0 US$0 US$0
Bhutan US$68 US$68* No US$68 US$68
Bolivia US$2 US$2* No US$2 US$2
Bosnia and Herzegovina US$50 US$100 US$100 US$100
Botswana US$114 US$114 US$114 US$114
Brazil US$20 US$20* No US$20 US$20
Brunei US$45 US$45* No US$45 US$45
Bulgaria US$50 US$50* No US$50 US$50
Burkina Faso US$0 US$0 US$0 US$0
Burundi US$100 US$200 US$250 US$250
Cambodia US$68 US$68* No US$68 US$68
Cameroon US$3 US$3* No US$111 US$111
Canada US$75 US$150 US$150 US$150
Cape Verde US$0 US$0 US$0 US$0
Central African Republic US$67 US$335 US$335 US$335
Chad US$3 US$3* No US$3 US$3
Chile US$200 US$200* No US$200 US$200
China US$64 US$64 US$64 US$64
Colombia US$3 US$3* No US$3 US$3
Comoros US$20 US$20* No US$20 US$20
Congo US$111 US$224 US$224 US$224
Costa Rica US$20 US$20* No US$20 US$20
Croatia US$50 US$100 US$100 US$100
Cuba US$54 US$54 US$54 US$54
Cyprus US$30 US$30* No US$30 US$30
Czech Republic US$88 US$110 US$110 US$110
Democratic Republic of the Congo US$3 US$3* No US$3 US$3
Denmark US$88 US$110 US$110 US$110
Djibouti US$3 US$3 US$3 US$3
Dominica US$20 US$20 US$20 US$20
Dominican Republic US$20 US$20 US$20 US$20
Ecuador US$3 US$3* No US$3 US$3
Egypt US$45 US$45* No US$45 US$45
El Salvador US$3 US$3* No US$3 US$3
Equatorial Guinea US$3 US$3* No US$3 US$3
Eritrea US$2 US$2* No US$2 US$2
Estonia US$60 US$200 US$100 US$100
Ethiopia US$2 US$2* No US$2 US$2
Fiji US$2 US$2* No US$2 US$2
Finland US$88 US$110 US$110 US$110
France US$88 US$110 US$110 US$110
Gabon US$2 US$2* No US$2 US$2
Gambia US$0 US$0 US$0 US$0
Georgia Gratis US$200 US$200 US$200
Germany US$88 US$110 US$110 US$110
Ghana US$0 US$0 US$0 US$0
Greece US$88 US$110 US$110 US$110
Grenada US$3 US$3* No US$3 US$3
Guatemala US$3 US$3* No US$3 US$3
Guinea US$0 US$0 US$0 US$0
Guinea-Bissau US$0 US$0 US$0 US$0
Guyana US$3 US$3* No US$3 US$3
Haiti US$3 US$3* No US$3 US$3
Honduras US$3 US$3* No US$3 US$3
Hong Kong S.A.R., China US$64 US$64 US$64 US$64
Hungary US$50 US$100 US$100 US$100
Iceland US$68 US$68 US$68 US$68
India US$253 US$253 US$253 US$253
Indonesia US$245 US$245 US$245 US$245
Iran US$3 US$3* No US$3 US$3
Iraq US$3 US$3* No US$3 US$3
Ireland US$170 US$235 US$170 US$170
Israel US$169 US$169 US$169 US$397
Italy US$88 US$110 US$110 US$110
Jamaica US$20 US$20* No US$20 US$20
Japan US$36 US$36 US$36 US$36
Jordan US$50 US$100 US$100 US$100
Kazakhstan US$60 US$200 US$200 US$200
Kiribati US$3 US$3* No US$3 US$3
Kosovo US$50 US$100 US$100 US$100
Kuwait US$3 US$3 US$3 US$3
Kyrgyzstan US$60 US$200 US$100 US$100
Laos US$4 US$4 US$4 US$4
Latvia US$60 US$200 US$100 US$100
Lebanon US$100 US$200 US$250 US$250
Lesotho US$64 US$64 US$64 US$64
Liberia Gratis Gratis Gratis Gratis
Libya US$26 US$40 US$100 US$100
Liechtenstein US$68 US$68 US$68 US$68
Lithuania US$60 US$200 US$100 US$100
Luxembourg US$88 US$110 US$110 US$110
Macedonia Gratis Gratis Gratis Gratis
Madagascar US$3 US$3* No US$3 US$3
Malawi US$39 US$39* No US$39 US$39
Malaysia US$6 US$6 US$6 US$6
Maldives US$2 US$2* No US$2 US$2
Mali US$0 US$0 US$0 US$0
Malta US$26 US$40 US$100 US$100
Marshall Islands US$65 US$65* No US$65 US$65
Mauritania US$58 US$58* No US$58 US$58
Mauritius US$2 US$2* No US$2 US$2
Mexico US$32 US$32 US$32 US$32
Moldova US$60 US$200 US$100 US$100
Monaco US$2 US$2* No US$2 US$2
Mongolia US$26 US$72 US$26 US$26
Morocco US$89 US$266 US$266 US$266
Mozambique US$50 US$50 US$50 US$50
Myanmar US$2 US$2* No US$2 US$2
Namibia US$66 US$66 US$66 US$66
Nauru US$4 US$4 US$4 US$4
Nepal US$39 US$39 US$39 US$39
Netherlands US$88 US$352 US$139 US$168
New Zealand US$2 US$2 US$2 US$2
Nicaragua US$2 US$2 US$2 US$2
Niger US$0 US$0 US$0 US$0
Nigeria US$0 US$0 US$0 US$0
North Korea US$46 US$46* No US$46 US$46
Norway US$4 US$62 US$4 US$4
Oman US$46 US$46 US$46 US$46
Pakistan US$68 US$68* No US$68 US$68
Palau US$3 US$3 US$3 US$3
Panama US$2 US$2* No US$2 US$2
Papua New Guinea US$2 US$2* No US$2 US$2
Paraguay US$2 US$2* No US$2 US$2
Peru US$2 US$2* No US$2 US$2
Philippines US$39 US$78 US$39 US$39
Poland US$51 US$102 US$120 US$120
Portugal US$73 US$146 US$146 US$293
Qatar US$4 US$4* No US$4 US$4
Romania US$100 US$100* No US$250 US$250
Russia US$84 US$200 US$100 US$100
Rwanda US$4 US$4 US$4 US$4
Saint Kitts and Nevis US$19 US$19* No US$19 US$19
Saint Lucia US$19 US$19* No US$19 US$19
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines US$19 US$19* No US$19 US$19
Samoa US$3 US$3* No US$3 US$3
San Marino US$3 US$3 US$3 US$3
Sao Tome and Principe US$50 US$100 US$50 US$50
Saudi Arabia US$46 US$46* No US$46 US$46
Senegal US$0 US$0 US$0 US$0
Serbia US$50 US$100 US$100 US$100
Seychelles US$4 US$4 US$4 US$4
Sierra Leone Gratis Gratis Gratis Gratis
Singapore Gratis Gratis Gratis Gratis
Slovakia US$50 US$100 US$100 US$100
Slovenia US$50 US$100 US$100 US$100
Solomon Islands US$2 US$2* No US$2 US$2
Somalia US$3 US$3 US$3 US$3
South Africa US$58 US$103 US$205 US$205
South Korea US$30 US$30* No US$30 US$30
Spain US$95 US$514 US$514 US$587
Sri Lanka US$40 US$40 US$40 US$40
Sudan US$2 US$2 US$2 US$2
Suriname US$40 US$40 US$40 US$40
Swaziland US$58 US$58* No US$58 US$58
Sweden US$78 US$78 US$78 US$78
Switzerland US$68 US$203 US$76 US$135
Syria US$46 US$46 US$46 US$46
Taiwan US$50 US$100 US$150 US$150
Tajikistan US$68 US$68 US$68 US$68
Tanzania US$29 US$29 US$29 US$29
Thailand US$14 US$39 US$14 US$14
Timor-Leste US$68 US$68* No US$68 US$68
Togo US$0 US$0 US$0 US$0
Tonga US$64 US$64 US$64 US$64
Trinidad and Tobago Gratis Gratis Gratis Gratis
Tunisia US$32 US$32* No US$32 US$32
Turkey US$32 US$32* No US$32 US$32
Turkmenistan US$60 US$200 US$100 US$100
Tuvalu US$3 US$3* No US$3 US$3
Uganda US$2 US$2* No US$2 US$2
Ukraine US$52 US$52* No US$52 US$52
United Arab Emirates US$150 US$300 US$150 US$150
Uruguay US$60 US$100 US$60 US$60
Uzbekistan US$60 US$200 US$100 US$100
Vanuatu US$3 US$3 US$3 US$3
Vatican US$88 US$110 US$110 US$110
Venezuela US$50 US$50 US$50 US$50
Vietnam US$68 US$68 US$68 US$68
Western Sahara US$2 US$2 US$2 US$2
Yemen US$46 US$46 US$46 US$46
Zambia US$6 US$6 US$6 US$6
Zimbabwe US$50 US$140 US$140 US$140

Embassy Multiple Visa Fee

Single Entry (within 6 months) Multiple Entry 1 Year Multiple Entry 2 Years Multiple Entry 5 Years TWP FEES STR VISA FEES
United Kingdom US$144 US$472 US$944 US$2360 US$472 US$472
United States US$160 US$160 US$160 N/A US$160 US$160
Kenya US$25 N/A N/A US$100 US$25 US$25

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