Nigeria fourth cheapest country to live, says report

A recent report has ranked Nigeria as the fourth cheapest country to live in the world. THE NATION reports.informationguidenigeria

Pakistan was ranked number one while Egypt and India came second and third respectively.

The cost of living is the money needed to sustain a certain comfort level. The cost of living covers basics like housing, groceries, taxes, and healthcare.

Some countries have a very high cost of living, particularly in areas surrounding large cities. For example, in the United States, cities like New York and San Francisco have a very high cost of living, while areas such as rural Mississippi, Kansas, or Oklahoma may be notably more affordable.

Some nations have a very low cost of living, which can make them attractive destinations for ex-pats, retirees, and others interested in reducing their expenses.

Here is a list of cheapest countries to live in the world:

1. Pakistan

2. Egypt

3. India

4. NigeriaJAMB Result

5. Libya

6. Syria

7. Nepal

8. BangladeshJAMB Portal

9. Uzbekistan

10. Turkey

11. ColombiaNYSC Portal

12. Iran

13. Kenya

14. Kyrgyzstan

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