In this post, we review the things needed for nysc camp for this year. Have you received your call-up letter for NYSC orientation exercise? If yes, see the 37+ List of Items To Take To NYSC Camp.
With the thrill and excitements you have upon receiving your National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) call-up letter, preparation for the three weeks orientation camp become your primary and necessary occupation that leaves you exhausted sometimes.
What are the necessary details that I must include? What are the items I could possibly overlook? What items should I buy before getting to camp considering that prices of some essentials are usually hyped up in camp?
No doubt, these are some of the questions you may have crossed your thoughts. Below is a comprehensive list of compulsory items, essential items and optional items to make your camp life an enjoyable experience.
Compulsory Items to Take To NYSC Camp
Items of primary relevance to successfully complete all the registration processes in camp are listed below. These items are necessary so that you can get all your entitlements including your allowance, medical attention, mattress, bed space, your NYSC kits and the rest.
1. NYSC Call-up Letter (Original and photocopies). This is the most important item as it provides evidence that you are an authentic and prospective corper not impersonating somebody else. Avoid laminating your letter to avoid embarrassment.
2. School Identity Card (original and photocopies). This is also a proof that you were a student of the institute indicated on your certificate.
3. Certificates or Statement of Result (original and photocopies).These include your Certificates for the course you studied, Registration certificates obtained from legal boards such as the Pharmacist boards, Nigerian Medical Council, or Optometrist Registration council along with evidence of completion of horsemanship are necessary items for those in the medical field.
4. Passport photographs. Recent copies are recommended and required for registration. Ensure to print several copies.
5. Certificate of fitness (original and photocopies) from a government approved hospital indicating your recent health status.
6. Bank details. BVN and account details.
List of Essential Items to take to NYSC Camp
These items may not on their own be compulsory, but they are essential to ease the burden of your daily camp schedules and activities, getting into a smooth daily routine and moreover reducing the chances of being commercially exploited with hype-up prices of essential needs sold at camp.
7. Curriculum Vitae. Some Employers come over to camp to advertise jobs or scout for corpers to work for them. A prepared CV comes in handy at this point.
8. File Jackets to neatly hold your original and photocopied documents.
9. Stationery. These are your closest companion to compulsory items needed for registration. They obviously include Pen, jotter, Stapler, staple pins, paper glue, White-out or tipex,
10. Round Neck White T-Shirt. Although these are among the items you would be given as your NYSC kits in camp. However, it is necessary to have extras that can take you for week. At least, not to leave you stranded on a busy schedule with less time to engage in washing or even limited source of water.
11. White shorts. Extras of these are needed since you would be wearing them most times during your orientation.
12. Plain white tennis shoes falls among your frequently used items necessary for those early morning drills.
13. White socks are needed items and are equally necessary as your white t-shirt and short.
14. Underwear that is sufficiently enough for your stay in camp.
15. Provisions for additional food that you probably would not get sufficiently in your daily ration. Buying provisions prior to arriving at camp would help save cost and minimise commercial exploitation. You would definitely include cereals, chocolate beverages, milk, Garri etc.
16. Toiletries. These include tooth brush, toilet paper, toothpaste, bathing soap, sponge, body cream, disinfectant, sanitary towel and light make-up accessories, ( for ladies), pegs, few cloth hangers, Detergents, antiseptic such as Dettol, bathing soap, small face mirror, towel and comb.
17. Treated Mosquito net. One aspect you probably don’t wish for is to fall ill in camp. Malaria is very prevalent in most area of the country and the dormitory you reside may not be entirely mosquito proof. Therefore, it is necessary to have a treated mosquito net in your list of essentials.
18. Money. Cash is very necessary to have in camp. Avoid having excess than you may require. The temptation to blow away your resources on irrelevant items comes so strongly with the excitement of this new phase of life.
19. Waist Pouch. This is a very necessary companion to have around the camp while you engage in various activities.
20. Flashlight would always be your friend in the dark.
21. Phone Charger. This is an item you may probably overlook while all your effort is concentrated on packing other daily necessities. You may like to go along with the next item on the list.
22. Phone Battery. You probably wouldn’t like to stay out of touch with friends and families in a new environment because of a run-down battery and frequent power outages.
23. Padlocks. You will need small and strong padlocks for your travel bags on other security concerns.
24. Bucket. Buckets would be needed for bathing and washing clothes.
25. Dish washing agent would also be necessary for washing your food flask, drinking flask, cup, and spoon.
26. Rubber slippers for indoor dormitory wear and engaging in activities that wet your feet.
27. Bedding. These include bed items such as your bed sheets, pillow cases, Pillow, Wrapper or Blanket.
28. Hand sanitizer. You would need this item for hygiene purpose and to reduce your chances of getting infections. Most infections are introduced to the body through unclean hands.
29. Medical kit. Remember, chances of falling ill increases during your stay in camp because your body is introduced to various elements it’s not used too. Therefore, it is better to be forearmed with the necessary food supplements or multivitamins, pain relievers, methylated spirit, plasters, cotton wool, Robb, inhaler (for those with asthma) prescription tablets for malaria, anti-purging pills and other necessities that would help you cope.
30. Dish set would include food flask, spoon only, a drinking flask or cup.
31. Job interview preparatory tools to fill your free time in camp. It is cheaper to get one off-camp. Job preparatory tools would include books such as GMATs or other motivational books to help you prepare for job interviews. This is especially necessary if you have an eye for corporate and non-governmental organisations.
Optional Items to Make Your Camp Fun
32. Digital Camera. You probably have a lot say but let the pics do the talking and sharing. A camera does well to preserve those moments you wouldn’t like to miss in a life time.
33. Personal Diary to remember and treasure those exciting days, your thrills, your new friends, your experiences and what you learnt in camp.
34. IPod or MP3 player with your favourite music to keep your spirit up.
35. Your favourite Journal that provides the inspiration and reflections to keep you motivated each day.
36. A phone with radio to keep abreast with news and daily happenings of the world outside NYSC camp.
37. Some money that you will use before your NYSC allowance is paid
With these items in mind, you’re all set for the camp life you’ve been anticipating. Remember to keep your load light.
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Do you know other things that may be needed in NYSC camp but not listed here? if yes, share with us in the comments section below.
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