Top 15 Humanitarian NGOs in Nigeria

Top 15 Humanitarian NGOs in Nigeria – Nigeria faces many humanitarian challenges including poverty, healthcare issues, education gaps, and the impacts of conflict. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a crucial role in providing aid and assistance to vulnerable communities across the country. Here are 15 of the top humanitarian NGOs working in Nigeria:Top 15 Humanitarian NGOs in Nigeria

The Top 15 Humanitarian NGOs in Nigeria Are:

1. Action Against Hunger

Founded in 1979, Action Against Hunger is an international NGO with a mission to end world hunger. In Nigeria, they work to treat and prevent malnutrition, especially among children. They also promote sustainable solutions to hunger by supporting agriculture, health systems, water access, and livelihood development. Key initiatives include nutrition programs, food security and livelihood assistance.

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2. CARE International

CARE is a well-known international NGO that fights global poverty with a special focus on empowering women and girls. Active in Nigeria since the 1960s, CARE runs major initiatives in health, education, and economic development. They also provide emergency aid to displaced persons and communities impacted by conflict and natural disasters.

3. The International Rescue Committee

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to humanitarian crises and helps people whose lives have been shattered by conflict and disaster. In Nigeria, the IRC provides emergency relief, healthcare, education, women’s protection and empowerment programs, and more. They have a strong focus on improving well-being for women and girls.Informationguidenigeria

4. Save the Children

Active in over 120 countries, Save the Children aims to give children worldwide a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn, and protection from harm. Their work in Nigeria focuses on child protection, education, health and nutrition, food security, and responding to humanitarian crises. Key initiatives include literacy and girl’s education programs, malnutrition treatment, and advocating for children’s rights.

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5. Oxfam International

Oxfam is a major INGO working to address the root causes of poverty and create lasting solutions. In Nigeria, Oxfam works to strengthen local communities against poverty and disasters. Key focus areas include economic justice, essential services delivery, humanitarian preparedness and response, and promoting gender justice. They advocate for human rights and support civil society organizations.JAMB Result

6. The International Committee of the Red Cross

A humanitarian institution founded in 1863, the ICRC helps people around the world affected by conflict and armed violence. In Nigeria, they work to respond to emergencies, promote international humanitarian law, restore family links separated by conflict, and increase food security. The ICRC works to protect civilians, provide clean water and healthcare, and promote mental health and dignity.NYSC Portal

7. Catholic Relief Services

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is an international NGO supporting disadvantaged people in over 100 countries. In Nigeria, CRS works with local partners to implement programs in agriculture and environment, peacebuilding, health, education, and emergency response. Key initiatives include HIV/AIDS care, maternal and child health, clean water access, and distributing food aid.Romantic Love Messages

8. Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières

An independent medical humanitarian organization, Doctors Without Borders/MSF delivers emergency aid to people affected by crises around the world. In Nigeria, MSF runs essential medical humanitarian programs focusing on basic healthcare, malaria treatment, nutrition, surgery for victims of violence, and emergency response.

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9. Mercy Corps

Mercy Corps works in more than 40 countries to empower people to recover from crises, build better lives, and transform their communities for good. In Nigeria, they respond to humanitarian emergencies while also supporting longer-term programs in economic development, agriculture, youth education and empowerment, conflict management, and governance.

10. Helen Keller International

Focused on preventing blindness and malnutrition worldwide, Helen Keller International (HKI) works across Africa and Asia. In Nigeria, HKI implements vision, health, and nutrition programs, including cataract surgeries to prevent blindness, vitamin A supplementation for children, and combatting malnutrition. Their priority is ensuring equal access to healthcare.Good morning My Love Message

11. CBM International

CBM is an international Christian development organization committed to improving the quality of life for persons with disabilities in the poorest communities of the world. In Nigeria, CBM works in partnerships to enhance healthcare, education, livelihood opportunities, social inclusion and empowerment for persons with disabilities.

12. The Development Research and Projects Centre

The Development Research and Projects Centre (DRPC) is a Nigerian NGO focused on empowerment, research and development. They work to meet basic needs in education, health, food security, water and sanitation. DRPC also promotes women and youth empowerment. Core initiatives include education access, maternal and child health, HIV/AIDS prevention, and vocational training.

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13. Pathfinder International

Pathfinder International works to expand access to family planning, reproductive healthcare, and sexual health education across Africa. In Nigeria, they operate comprehensive reproductive health programs including maternal & child health services, adolescent health projects, HIV/AIDS prevention, and more. They also focus on gender equality and female empowerment.

14. Search for Common Ground

Search for Common Ground works worldwide to transform how individuals, communities, and countries deal with conflict. In Nigeria, they bring different sides together through community projects, radio programs, workshops, and trainings to promote peaceful coexistence. Their work focuses on strengthening relationships to prevent violence.

15. Street Child

Street Child is an INGO working to support vulnerable children across Africa. Their initiatives focus on education, protection and reintegration, and economic empowerment. In northeast Nigeria, Street Child provides emergency education aid, teacher training programs, child and youth empowerment schemes, school rehabilitation projects, and more for children impacted by crisis.

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In the face of major humanitarian and development challenges, Nigerian NGOs and international organizations are providing vital aid and long-term assistance across the country. These top 15 NGOs are addressing critical issues like healthcare access, malnutrition, education gaps, poverty reduction, child protection, gender equality, and emergency relief for communities impacted by conflict, violence, and natural disasters. Their programs support the country’s most vulnerable people and help strengthen local capacity to build peaceful, just societies.

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