Are you new to Dota 2? Not sure how the game is played? Well, you need not worry as we have come up to your rescue and bring you help that you need. We are going to share with you some tips and tricks that will help you to win a match of Dota 2. You can also make use of the best dota 2 hacks from Battlelog to build yourself a successful strategy in the game.
Understand the Dota map: If you wish to play a really good game of Dota 2, you will have to be aware of the map. There are three different lanes on the map. There are also a number of towers protecting the parts of the map. Every tower has three different tiers. The job of these towers is to prevent the enemies from gaining access to the home base. Enemy towers will be firing projectiles at the creeps and the heroes’ duty is to stay protected from these projectiles and save themselves.
Make use of the resources: During the early stages of the game, the heroes are at lower levels and the creeps are stronger but over time, the heroes will get stronger by gaining two kinds of resources. These are XP and Gold. You can get Gold by killing the enemy heroes, creeps, farming neutrals and destroying the enemy towers.
Understand the value of the neutral camps: The neutral camps are located in the clearings between the lanes. These clearings are the jungles. These are the places that are not protected by any tower. Since there are no towers to provide you protection, you need to be careful about the jungles. These jungles are the places of war. However, the jungles will also allow you to go through the map very easily. They are also the place where the neutral camps are situated. You will also be able to gain access to these neutral camps by killing the creeps. This will also allow you to gain a lot of gold and XP.
Get to know about death and spawning: When a hero in Dota 2 dies, it will come back to life after a certain duration of time. The hero mainly spawns in the fountain where its health is restored. The higher-level your hero initially was, the longer will it take for the hero to respawn. You will also be losing some of your gold after dying. Dota 2 comes with a feature called buyback which allows you to respawn your hero immediately by spending some gold. In this way, if you die in the game, you can make use of your goals to respawn yourself quickly.
Use your Gold and XP wisely: Now what exactly are you going to do with your Gold and XP? You can make use of your gold to purchase necessary items from shops. This will give you a lot of benefits in the game and will also make you stronger. You will find four shops on the map, two of which are secret shops and two are fountain shops. The Fountain shops are situated within your home base. You can get access to the shop whenever you want to. You can use the XP to level yourself up in the game.XP points can be put into a talent tree. This is going to help you last longer in the game.
Build yourself a proper strategy: The whole point of the game is to make proper strategies by means of which you will be able to make efficient trades and control your resources. By having a really good strategy you will be able to make proper use of your gold and XP. You will also be able to get rid of your enemies during the early stages of the game. So, before you start with the game, you should make yourself a strategy. Your strategy must also include ways by which you can overpower the monster call, Roshan.
And this is how a game of Dota 2 is actually played. Follow our strategies and also let us know how well you are being able to survive in the game. Make sure you find your own way to win the play and don’t forget to share new strategies with us.