How To Revive And Restore A Wet Phone

Sometimes accidents happen and we find our phone dropped in the water.

What comes immediately in the minds of some people is that the phone is gone; it would never work again; well; the issue is that it can be revived and restored to work again.

Perhaps you are unaware of this before; it will really interest you; by following the steps outline below you can get your phone back.

How To Revive And Restore A Wet Phone
Restore A Wet Phone – Photo Source:


Remove the phone from the water immediately, because the longer it remains in the water, the more water or liquid will enter the phone through the cracks and openings of the phone.

Hold the  phone quickly, and immediately  turn it off, because leaving it on can cause it to short circuit –since it has been in water, assume it is waterlogged so you can take necessary actions, whether it is still working or not.

When if the phone is connected to a wall charger and is also submerged in water, it could be risky attempting to remove it from the water.

You may seek an assistant immediately on the proper steps to do this safely such as in turning off a main power switch, or similar action.

Electricity and water mixing together can result in electrical shock. However, if the when the phone fell into water it was not connected to a world charger, remove the phone quickly from the water and proceed with the next few steps.

The ability to Act quickly can make all the difference and contribute effectively in being able to save your phone from water damage. Do not panic in the process. Maintaining self-control is key to working more efficiently under pressure.

Once you remove the phone from the water; there are certain things you are expected to do and certain things you are not expected to do in order to prevent water damage.

After removing the phone from water, quickly find and gather some paper towels or soft cloths to lay the phone on. Proceed to remove the battery cover and battery.

This is a very essential process to take to saving the phone.  Many circuits which are inside the phone will survive immersion in water if the phone was not attached to a power source (battery) when wet.

In order to determine if the phone is truly water damaged, you need to check the corner near where the battery is – there should be a white square or circle, with or without red lines. If this is pink or red, your phone has water damage.

What   you are not expected to do

a. Do not turn the phone  on

b. Avoid pressing  any buttons or keys

c. Avoid shaking  the tap or banging the phone

d. Do not open the phone. Phone device comes with a Liquid Damage Indicator (LDI) which, when activated, could damage the warranty of the phone, and this could be activated when the phone is opened.

e. When the phone is opened. Only take it apart if you absolutely need to and make sure that you have the experience to do so.

f. Avoid blowing on it. This could cause water  to enter  other internal parts of the phone  which could cause,  more damage in the process

g. Avoid heating  it up either by using a blow dryer or microwave oven


Steps to follow to save the water damaged phone

a. Turn the phone off if, it isn’t alright and hold it upright.

b. Remove the protective casing, SIM and micro SD cards from their slots.

c. Turn up the phone and open the back. Remove the battery; SIM card(s) and micro SD card where possible .Remove all that you can: battery, SD and SIM cards. © Android PIT. SIM cards survive water damage well, but it is necessary to get it out immediately.

This will make a good sense. Pat the sim card dry and set it aside to dry completely until when you reconnect your phone to your cell network again.

d. Dry the phone using a cloth, sleeve or paper towel and avoid spreading the liquid around, because that could cause water to enter into more of the phones openings.

Dry the phone with a soft rag or towel. Ensure it is completely dry because if there is even one drop of water left inside, it can damage the phone by corroding it and making the circuits corrode or short out.

It is imperative that you remove as much of the water as quickly as possible, to prevent it from finding its way into the phone:

Gently wipe off as much water as possible without dropping the phone. Avoid shaking or moving the phone excessively, so as to avoid moving water through it.

Wipe down using a towel or paper towel, trying not to clog the paper in the gaps and grooves of the phone. Keep wiping gently to remove as much of the remaining water as possible.

If you pulled the battery out in time, cleaning the inside of your phone with rubbing alcohol will displace the water which alone could remedy the problem.

e. If the level of water damage is high, a vacuum can be used to carefully suck out water from the cracks of the phone that are harder to get at. Ensure that the micro SD card, SIM card, and battery are all removed before doing this.

f. Deep and bury the phone in a full zip lock  bag of uncooked rice. Rice has the potency to absorb liquid and is actually a simple and common method for drying smartphones and tablets.

Phone drying pouches, can also be applied if you already have one in the house. Phone drying pouches can be bought anywhere.

g. Allow the phone to dry for a day or two and avoid the temptation to switch it on.

h. After several days of drying in the rice bag, it could be removed from the rice back, and then the battery is inserted into the phone for it to be switched on.

i. When if the phone cannot be turned on, endeavor to charge it. If it doesn’t charge, you could replace the battery, or consider taking your smartphone to be checked by a professional.

j. When If the phone has turned on and it is now working as it should, you should still  need to keep examining it  for  some  few more  days,. Play some music, check the speakers and ensure the touch screen is responding accurately.

k. It is believed that this outlined process shall help you rescue a phone that is mistakenly dropped in water. At this point it is also important to take adequate precaution in the handling of phones.

You can also preferably protect your phone by purchasing a waterproof phone case. Some brands include Otter box, Griffin Survivor and Catalyst.

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