In this guide, I will show you How to Produce Bathing Soap in Nigeria. Here you will see the ingredients and the steps to make bathing soap in Nigeria. You will also see how to make money through bathing soap production business in Nigeria.
There are a limitless number of opportunities accessible to any enterprising man or woman in Nigeria.
But the problem is: most people do not know how to access these opportunities.
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One of these opportunities is the production of bathing soap
Beyond being a very important opportunity cassava production is a great tool for entrepreneur because it is a basic necessity of life.
Statistics has shown that more than 90 percent of Nigerians use bathing soap on a daily basis and for an entrepreneur that’s a large market.
Of course an opportunity like this will have many patrons but here is the good thing: the business of making bathing soap has endless options.
There are of course some questions that you need to ask yourself:
What brand of soap do you want to focus on: medicated or basic
Do you want to make your bathing soap targeted towards a specific group of people?
Do you intend to produce it locally or do you intend to use modern equipment
Here’s a story of a brand that leveraged on this opportunity to create wealth:
Made from wood ash, local oils and herbs, black soap is used to cleanse, nourish and protect the skin.
Based on its age-long use and proven benefits, a Nigerian entrepreneur decided to ‘package’ this local product into a commercial success and international hot-selling brand.
Molded by hand and made entirely from natural ingredients (like honey, shea butter, palm kernel oil and aloe vera), Dudu Osun markets itself as a 100-percent natural and biodegradable soap that contains no preservatives or artificial colours.
These selling points have attracted Dudu Osun to millions of natural beauty enthusiasts around the world, especially dark-skinned people within and outside Africa.
Today, Dudu Osun (which literally means ‘black soap’ in Yoruba, one of Nigeria’s major languages), is sold on the international market through and several distributors across the Caribbean, North and South America and Europe.
Looking through some of the product reviews on Amazon for Dudu Osun soap, it’s not a surprise why this product has become such a huge commercial success.
People from all over the world, including white-skinned people, share their positive experiences with Dudu Osun. Several satisfied and loyal customers say it “restores damaged skin and helps to heal acne, freckles, dark spots and chronic skin diseases like eczema.”
By using naturally available ingredients, an entrepreneur took the initiative to transform a common and taken-for-granted local soap into an international delight.
So you see, this is really an opportunity for you to create wealth.
Now that you are aware of the opportunities that lies in creating a product like this, the real question is: HOW CAN
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You Produce Bathing Soap Or Medicated Soap In Nigeria?
There are some standard steps that anyone who plans on producing a product for business purpose must consider.
Note: I am putting out this information on the presumption that your aim of producing bathing soap is for sake of making money. This should not be interpreted as a fixed norm as it is also possible for anyone to make soap for personal consumption only.
Below are some of the standard procedures that should be considered:
1. Survey The Business Environment
Before you take vital steps in any business venture, you need to know what the consumers want, you need to understand the habit of the consumers and you need to know what is trending in that market.
For example in the production of (once again, this step is based on the assumption that you are producing for the purpose of making money and not for personal use only.)
2. Draw Out A Fool Proof Plan
This step is very important because it eliminates guess work in the process of production and possibly distribution. A good business plan should have the following:
A concise description of the business and what it is all about
A detailed statement of the products: this could be variety of the same product
A marketing plan on how to distribute the product
A well researched statement of the production process
A financial plan on projected expense and income from the business
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Study The Process Of Production And Master The Techniques
The process of producing bathing soap is quite simple-
We are going to consider the process of producing two popular kinds of soaps-bar soaps and medicated soaps
Process To Make Bar Soap In Nigeria
1. Pko cleansing and Bubbles
2. Caustic Soda
3. Sodium silicate
4. Sodium sulphate
5. Perfume
6. Colorant
Procedures To Make Bar Soap In Nigeria
1. Caustic soda is soaked overnight for fermenting.
2. Put a measure of the PKO in a container
3. Pour a mixture of PKO and hardener in another bowl
4. Next pour in the soda solution
5. Then add a color of your choice
6. Also add perfume and sodium silicate
7. Then pour it into a mold and leave to get solid
8. Finally cut and stamp as you please
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How To Make Medicated Soap In Nigeria
1. Pko cleansing and Bubbles
2. Caustic Soda
3. Sodium silicate
4. Sodium sulphate
5. Perfume
6. Colorant
7. Carbolic acid
8. Phenol
9. Pine Oil
Dissolve the caustic soda as for bar soap
Add the right amount of soda solution to PKO (preferably in the ratio 1:2)
Then add phenol, pine oil and carbolic acid
Next add color and perfume
Finally add sodium silicate
Purchase The Materials Needed For The Production Process
Materials Needed To Make Soap In Nigeria
Production chemicals
Nose protector
Funnel for liquid soap
Plastic bottles for packaging
Limos paper or Hydrometer to test acidity
Hand gloves
A strong table
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Produce The Product
Now that you have gotten all the necessary information and materials needed, it is time to get to work on the task of production.
Extra care must be taken to avoid costly mistake and this can be achieved by creating a defined system that is built around the following principles:
Consistency and
Sell or Use
Most likely you will be focused on selling this product and not using it. Whatever the case may be, it is important that you do it right. If your aim is selling though, you must be conscious of the following important factors:
Packaging the product
Devising a selling strategy and
Constant survey of consumers need