The sales force is the key to success of every business industry. Once the product is developed and launched, it is the job of the sales and marketing department to advertise and sell it.
The sales team is mainly involved in the latter part and is responsible for making sales by attracting the customers, by communicating and persuading them to buy the product.
The sales executives are responsible for making the profit which is why it is important to make sure that the right candidate is recruited at the sales job post.
This is where are the topic of interest comes in. Many company heads are confused about hiring the right individuals. They wonder whether they should hire the sales executives who have the similar industry experience or is it okay to hire an external candidate for the project.
Even the firms like Dubai business setup give complete guidelines regarding such decisions. If you ask us, we have experienced both hiring a sales executive within and from outside the same industry, and we can tell the difference among them quite easily.
As we shed light on this part of the topic, let’s keep our focus on the benefits of hiring individuals from within the same industry. They are as follows:
1. The interviewer gets the chance to make an accurate decision about hiring:
The number one benefit of hiring within the same industry is enjoyed by the interviewer himself. As the candidate is related to the similar industry field, the question asked and approaches tested are well-known and understood by both the parties.
It leaves behind no confusion and exposes the caliber of the candidate quite well. If anyone of you is facing difficulty in hiring a sales executive, the best solution is to look for one in the same industry!
2. Sales executive from the same industry can communicate better in the world outside:
Use of good communication skills and persuasion are the key elements that must be present in the salesmen. Employees who have the industry experience in the same field tend to have the experience of communicating in the marketplace and selling the product.
They exactly know how to make their product sell and this is how they earn money and make a profit. An individual who doesn’t have the same experience will find it a bit tough to manage the situation in the beginning which leads us to our third benefit…
3. They are less prone to the industrial experience scrutiny:
Those hired within the same industry are less prone to face the industrial challenges and scrutiny. They know how to ace the different hindrance in the path and often solve the problem even before encountering it.
This comes as a huge benefit for the industry as it gets to incorporate talented and suitable individuals.
4. Come with stronger management skills and market knowledge:
Every field has some pet phrases, words and some key concepts. The individual from the same industry can understand and use the techniques and tactics in a much better way than a sales executive of another domain.
His skills are already polished and hiring him would eventually ease things for him and your industry as well. Such a sales executive can make use of his previous vast market knowledge as well.
It’s just a matter of fact of pulling the right strings with the right contacts and boom! The sales of the product would skyrocket.
5. Shorter ramp-up period with a lot of tested sales strategies in the pocket:
Hiring sales men from the outside industry leads to investing time to train him according to the rules and regulations of your industry.
It would be months before he gets to know and understands how things work in your industrial domain and what is required to speed up the process. Whereas, hiring a sales manager, VP or an executive who has had a previous experience in the same industry keeps the ramp-up period short and gives the candidate the opportunity to practice his old, tested golden strategies in your industry as well.
Without a doubt, the sales executives from outside the industry are talented, hard working and they too can pick up the pace in your industrial domain. But hiring the sales force within the same circle adds some extra benefits to the deal. It helps the industry flourish within a short time frame and increases the closure of more deals.
Author Bio: Brenda Cagara
While Brenda Cagara got experience in setting up a business in Dubai with the top business consultants, she managed to flourish her writing career as well. In the past five years, she has emerged as a brilliant writer and writes on nearly every niche. Her office job expertise lies in business consultancy, visa processing, trade license, trade mark, local sponsoring, product registration and bank account opening. The reflection of her success in this field is often witnessed in her writing pieces written on business, taxation and finance.