Government is an organized body set up for the purpose of administering a state or an area, such as a local government area.
This government, whether in the federal level, state level or even local government, owes allegiance to the citizens of the state, as well as the residents of that particular area.
Apart from owing allegiance to its people, government can also owe allegiance to itself, irrespective of the level of that government, whether in the federal level or state level, as well as the local government level.
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It is important to note at this point that, constituted government, for example, a state government is made up of individuals, who either were elected into government or were appointed into political offices.
These government officials are the ones who are accountable to the state and the people, who have voted them into these offices.
Therefore, where there is failure on the part of government to meet the yearning of the people or keep to its campaign promises, that is, performing its functions, the citizens can demand that, the government be replaced particularly, in a democracy.
What Is Government?
A government is defined as a system or group of persons saddling with the responsibility of governing an organized locality, it can be a state with financial power, military power and civil laws.
In Nigeria, there are three arms of government, namely, the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary. The Executive executes laws, the Legislature makes laws and the Judiciary interprets laws.
Before we have a detailed look at the functions of Nigerian government, let us consider some characteristics of Nigerian government.
Characteristics Of Nigerian Government
There are some features about Nigerian government, and in this article, I am going to explain some of its characteristics, and here are there:
Nigerian Government Has Constitution
Constitution is one of the key characteristics of Nigerian government. In this constitution, there are a set of agreed rules and laws made by the Nigerian government, for the purpose of guiding in the administration of the country.
The constitution is so important in administering the state because, it is the constitution that defined the powers of the three arms of government in Nigeria.
There Is Periodic Change In Nigerian Government
There is periodic change in the Nigerian government. Government in Nigeria normally undergo changes after some specific period of time.
Government is not permanent in Nigeria, no, no permanent government, particularly in a democracy, as practiced in Nigeria.
In a democracy, government do changed through periodic elections, an this is applicable in Nigeria because, it is a democracy.
There Is Legitimacy In Nigerian Government
There is legitimacy in Nigerian government. The Nigerian government will enjoy the support of the Nigerian citizens, once the government meet the yearnings of the Nigerian citizens, through the provision basic amenities, as well as, conducive environment for small and medium businesses to thrive. This is very important.
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Nigerian Government Generates Its Revenue
The Nigerian government generated its revenue internally. Generating of revenue by the Nigerian government is necessary and very important, because through such revenue generation, the Nigerian government would be able to enhance the administration of the country.
The Nigerian government must deploy measures, almost in every area to generate revenue for the purpose of running the government effectively.
Nigerian Government Possess Political Powers
Nigerian government possess political powers. Political powers are instruments used in maintaining orderliness in the country. This is also necessary and important with a view to checkmate some unwarranted activities in Nigeria.
There Is Universality Of Government’s Reach
There is universality of government’s reach. In other words, everyone must have a sense of belonging, a participatory kind of government.
There is an extension of the government’s reach or the jurisdiction of government to all the citizens of the country.
The Nigerian Government Has Public Institutions
The Nigerian government has public institutions. There pare those government institutions that are of a political society, and there some other institutions that are found within the society.
What Are The Functions Of Nigerian Government?
Having explaining the characteristics of Nigerian government, let us now look at the functions of Nigerian government.
Nigerian Government Makes Law
The Nigerian government makes laws. Laws and rules are very important in running a smooth government. It is the law that will defined the activities and functions of government.
Quite interestingly, in Nigeria, there are three arms of government, and it is the laws, as provided in the Nigerian constitution that defined the powers of these arms of government. The laws have helped in maintaining peace and order in the country.
Nigerian Government Defenses Nigeria From Foreign Intruders
Nigerian government defended the country from foreign intruders. With its military might, the Nigerian government will make sure that, the country is defended. It will work against enemies invasion through mounting surveillance at every Nigerian boundary or border.
Nigerian Government Provides Employment For Its Citizens
The Nigerian government provided employment to its citizens. This is very fundamental, and it is a key function of the Nigerian government.
Nigerian Government Maintains Law And Order
The Nigerian government maintained law and order in the country. This is quite necessary, since no development that take place, where there is crisis.
Nigerian Government Promotes Economic Growth
It is the function of the Nigerian government to make sure that, there is promotion of economic growth and development in Nigeria.
Nigerian Government Maintains Good Relations With Foreign Diplomacy
This is another function of the Nigerian government. The maintenance of good relationship with foreign nations and other sovereign nations is part of its function.
Nigerian Government Protects Civil Liberties
Protection of civil liberties is one of the functions of the Nigerian government. Government must protect civil liberties.
Nigerian Government Protects Lives And Properties
This is a key function of the Nigerian government. The Nigerian government must make sure that lives and properties of Nigerians are protected.
Nigerian Government Administers Justice
This is very peculiar of any government, Nigeria is not exempted. It administered justice.
Nigerian Government Formulates And Implements Policies
Another function of Nigerian government is in the area of formulating and implementing policies
Nigerian Government Provides Social Welfare Services
The Nigerian government provided social welfare services for Nigerian citizens.
Government is accountable to the state and the people.