FUGASHUA Reviewed 2nd Semester Academic Calendar 2021/2022. The management of FUGASHUA has reviewed the second semester academic calendar for 2021/2022 session. Recall that the calendar had already been released but needed some adjustments. Therefore, all students of Federal University Gashua should see the revised second semester calendar below.
Federal University Gashua second semester reviewed academic Calendar for 2021/2022 session has been published. According to the calendar, This is to inform all students of Federal University Gashua that the second semester academic activities for the 2021/2022 session have been scheduled to run as shown on the table below;
Registration of students ends on Friday 9th June 2023
Late registration with fine begins 12th June and ends 16th June 2023
Lectures commences 12th June to Saturday 5th August 2023
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