Top 15 Dry Season Farming Crops To Plant In Nigeria

Farming during the dry season in Nigeria can be extremely productive if done right. While the hot, dry conditions may seem inhospitable for growing crops, there are actually many plants that thrive in these environments. With proper irrigation and crop selection, dry-season farming enables farmers to maximize agricultural output and income generation during the drier months.InformationGuideNigeria

In this article, we outline the top 15 crops that are ideal for dry-season cultivation in Nigeria. From staple grains and vegetables to cash crops like cotton, these plants can flourish with the proper dry-season farming techniques. Read on for an overview of each crop, including planting information, typical yields, and benefits. With this guide, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge needed to make the most of the dry season on your farm.Top 15 Dry Season Farming Crops To Plant In Nigeria

Top 15 Dry Season Farming Crops To Plant In Nigeria

The top 15 dry-season farming crops to plant in Nigeria are:

1. Capsicum

Capsicum, otherwise known as bell pepper, is a popular and lucrative crop for dry-season farming. You should thrive capsicums in hot, dry conditions with temperatures between 18-30°C. This heat-loving vegetable can grow in all agroecological zones of Nigeria.

You should plant capsicums, which are warm-season crops, at the beginning of the dry season. You should sow seeds 1⁄2 inch deep in nursery beds and transplant seedlings 2-3 weeks after germination when 15cm tall. Capsicums grown during the dry season will produce impressive yields, with potential for up to 15 tonnes per hectare. You can earn quite a substantial income from capsicum crops.

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2. Onions

Onions are also well-suited for dry-season cultivation. You should recommend short-day varieties like Red Creole and Red Bombay for Nigeria’s climate. Onions require full sun and temperatures between 15-27°C to bulb correctly, making the dry season optimal.

You should sow onion seeds in nurseries and transplant after 4-6 weeks when shoots are 15cm tall. You should space plants 10cm apart in beds 1m wide. Onions are relatively fast-growing, with bulbing occurring 60-100 days after you transplant them. Average dry season yields are 15-25 tonnes per hectare. Onions store well, allowing for year-round sales.15 Best Juice Extractors in Nigeria

3. Tomatoes

Tomatoes thrive in hot, irrigated conditions, so they are excellent dry-season crops. Most varieties will grow well, though heat-tolerant types like Roma VF and Ibadan Local will produce higher yields. Tomatoes require temperatures of 21-27°C and at least 6 hours of sunlight daily.15 Best Music Apps in Nigeria

You should plant seeds 1⁄4 inch deep in nurseries, then transplant seedlings to the field after 3-4 weeks when 15cm tall. You should do transplanting in the late dry season to avoid heavy rains during fruiting. Staking and pruning will maximize yields, which can reach up to 30 tonnes per hectare during the dry season.

4. Cabbage

Cabbage, a nutritious leafy vegetable, grows well in cool weather and you can cultivate it as a profitable dry-season crop. Varieties like Gloria F1 and Oxylus F1 are fast-maturing, heat-tolerant types ideal for Nigerian conditions. Cabbages require well-drained soil and temperatures between 13-20°C for best growth.

For dry season growing, you should sow seeds in nurseries and transplant seedlings after 3-4 weeks once they reach 15cm tall. You should space plants 40-50cm apart in rows 75cm apart. Average yields during the dry season are 25-30 tonnes per hectare. You can harvest cabbage multiple times by cutting the outer leaves.

5. Ugu (Pumpkin Leaf)

Ugu, an essential leafy green veggie in Nigerian cuisine, thrives in hot weather and does very well when you grow it as a dry-season crop. Temperatures between 25-35°C are optimum. Ugu requires at least 5 hours of direct sun daily.

You should sow seeds 1⁄2 inch deep either directly in the field or in seedbeds. You should transplant seedlings roughly 3 weeks after germination at a spacing of 50x75cm. Ugu grows rapidly, ready for the first harvest just 4-6 weeks after you transplant it. You can obtain multiple cuttings by pruning leaves regularly. You can achieve yields of up to 40 tonnes per hectare.105 Good Morning My Love Messages

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6. Rice

Rice is a staple grain that can be cultivated without flood irrigation, making it an important dry-season food crop. Upland varieties like FARO 60 and NERICA are suitable options during the dry months. Rice requires warm weather, with temperatures around 30°C ideal.

Rice can be grown from seed or transplanted seedlings. Direct seeded rice should be sown 1-2 inches deep while transplanting is done when seedlings are 4-6 weeks old. Whether direct-seeded or transplanted, the crop will be ready for harvest around 90-110 days after planting. The average dry season yield is 2-3 tonnes per hectare.

7. Ewedu

Also called jute mallow, ewedu is a mucilaginous leafy vegetable. It is heat and drought-tolerant, thriving in Nigeria’s dry season conditions. Ewedu requires temperatures of 25-35°C and several hours of direct sunlight daily.200 Romantic Message for Her

Top 15 Dry Season Farming Crops To Plant In Nigeria
Photo Source: Agriculture Nigeria

Seeds are sown 1⁄2 inch deep either directly in the field or in nursery beds, and then seedlings are transplanted after 2-3 weeks. The leaves can be harvested starting 6 weeks after sowing, then subsequent cuttings every 2 weeks. Ewedu yields up to 35 tonnes per hectare under irrigation during the dry season.

8. Maize

Maize grows well when you plant it in the dry season in Nigeria. You should recommend early maturing varieties like Oba Super 2 and FARO 15. Maize needs warm conditions, ideally around 30°C during the day.

You should do planting by direct seeding, placing seeds 1-2 inches deep at a spacing of 75x25cm. You should do thinning 2 weeks after emergence to leave one plant per stand. Maize matures within 90-100 days after you sow it. With proper inputs, you can reach dry season yields of 2.5-3.5 tonnes per hectare.

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9. Cotton

Cotton is a significant cash crop for dry-season farming in Nigeria. Native varieties like Allen and Allen 33 perform well in drought conditions and sandy soils. The crop requires high temperatures, around 28-32°C being optimal.

You should grow cotton from seeds planted 1-2 inches deep. A row spacing of 60-90cm, with a plant population of around 44,000 plants per hectare is recommended. You will do the first harvest roughly 150-180 days after planting. Seed cotton yields average 1.5-2.5 tonnes per hectare.

10. Carrots

Carrots adapt well to dry season production in most parts of Nigeria. Varieties like Kuroda and Nelson do well in both hot and milder climates. Carrots need sunny, cool conditions, ideally 18-27°C for proper root growth.

You should plant seeds 1⁄2 inch deep and thin to 5cm apart within rows. Carrots will mature 70-80 days after you sow them. With adequate irrigation and crop care, you can achieve yields during the dry season of 25-35 tonnes per hectare. Carrots store well, extending marketability.NYSC Portal

11. Cucumber

Cucumbers thrive in Nigeria’s hot, dry conditions when you properly irrigate them. They require warm weather with temperatures of 18-27°C and at least 6 hours of daily sunlight. Ensure you provide adequate wind protection.

Make sure you sow seeds 1⁄2 inch deep in beds, spacing plants 30cm apart. You will harvest cucumbers grown for fresh consumption 60-70 days after planting while you need 45 days for pickling types. Average productivity is 15-25 tonnes per hectare. Harvest timely to prevent over-maturity.

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12. Okra

Okra is a widely consumed vegetable in Nigeria that grows well when you plant it during the dry season. The dwarf, early maturing NHAe 47-4 variety is a good option. Okra needs hot weather, ideally around 30°C during the day.

You should plant seeds 1-2 inches deep at a spacing of 60x30cm. Okra planted in the dry season will be ready for first harvest in just 6-8 weeks. Repeated picking of immature pods encourages continued production. Okra yields up to 18 tonnes per hectare under irrigation.

13. Eggplant

Eggplant, also called garden egg, is a popular tropical crop. The Black Beauty F1 hybrid performs well in dry season cultivation. Eggplants need warm conditions, preferably 27-32°C during the day and 15-21°C at night.

You should sow seeds in nursery beds and then transplant after 25-30 days. You should recommend a field spacing of 60x75cm. Garden eggs will mature 70-80 days after you transplant them. With adequate inputs, dry season yields range from 25-35 tonnes per hectare.

14. Melon

Melons are warm-weather-loving crops that produce impressive yields during Nigeria’s dry season. Varieties like Sugar Baby watermelon and Negro cantaloupe grow well in dry conditions. Melons thrive with temps of 27-35°C and need sandy, well-drained soils.JAMB Portal

You should directly sow seeds 1-2 inches deep, spacing plants 120-150cm apart. Rows should be 2-3m apart. Melons will mature 70-95 days after you sow them depending on the variety. Yields during the dry season average 15-25 tonnes per hectare.

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15. Spinach

Leafy, nutritious spinach is a good dry-season crop for much of Nigeria. It grows quickly in warm conditions, making it possible to obtain multiple cuttings. Spinach requires temperatures of at least 10°C and full sun.

Top 15 Dry Season Farming Crops To Plant In Nigeria
Photo Source: Healthline

You should plant seeds 1⁄2 inch deep in beds or rows, then thin seedlings to 10cm spacing after emergence. Spinach will mature in as few as 3-4 weeks, allowing for repeated harvesting. With good management, dry season yields can exceed 20 tonnes per hectare.


In summary, dry-season farming enables year-round crop production even in Nigeria’s arid northern regions. With the right crop choices and cultivation methods, you can achieve impressive yields during the dry months. The crops outlined here are well-adapted to Nigerian conditions and have substantial income-generating potential as dry-season crops. By leveraging these planting opportunities, farmers can maximize productivity on their land.

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