Department of Petroleum Resources Past Questions PDF. We have available the Department of Petroleum Resources Past Questions PDF covering different topics for this exams! We’ve made a significant effort to provide you with the most challenging questions and answers along with insightful rationales for each question to reinforce learning.
We recommend you do all practice questions before you take the actual exams. Doing so will help reduce your test anxiety and help identify nursing topics you need to review. To make the most of the practice exams, try to minimize mistakes to less than 15 questions and take your time answering the questions, especially when reading the rationales.
Why you need Department of Petroleum Resources Past Questions PDF
- It will expose you to the questions that have been asked years back as most of those questions and answers get repeated every year while some will just be rephrased. So if you don’t have a copy of this past question, then you are losing out.
- It provides useful information about the types of questions to expect and helps you prevent unpleasant surprises.
How is Department of Petroleum Resources Past Questions PDF Pattern?
We have made it simple for you. We bring all the questions which is usually in an objective format. We have put them together but we indicate the specific years for every question and the correct answers in order to save your time. All you need to do is to devote quality time to study the Past Questions.
Sample of Department of Petroleum Resources Past Questions PDF
1) When walking, a certain person takes 16 complete steps in 10 seconds. At this rate, how many complete steps does the person take in 72 seconds?
A. 45
B. 86
C. 90
D. 115
2) In computer jargon, what do you understand by ROM?
A. Read-Only Memory
B. Random Only Memory
C. Real Output Memory
D. Read Output Memory
3) A body is floating in seawater with 2/3 of its volume above the surface. The weight of the displaced water is?
A. Less than the weight of the body
B. Equal to the weight of the body
C. More than the weight of the body
D. Not enough information provided.
Questions 4 – 9 refer to the following: A tank is a vertical cylinder with inside diameter of 6ft and a height of 15ft.
4) What is the volume of liquid in cubic feet if we fill the tank to one foot high?
A. 28.27 ft3
B. 18.8 ft3
C. 113.1 ft3
D. 424.1 ft3.