5 Steps To Create an EBook Or PDF File Using Microsoft Word

In this guide, I will show you the 5 steps to create an EBook or PDF file using Microsoft Word. You will need this guide to be effective in your office.

Every eBook offered for sale or given out for free is always presented in a Portable Document Format abbreviated as PDF. Many people are not aware of the fact that you can actually produce an eBook of your own using the well known word processing software called Microsoft Word.

The PDF is a fixed-layout electronic file format that preserves document formatting and enables file sharing. It ensures that whenever the file is viewed online or printed out, it retains exactly the format that you incorporated into it without undergoing any form of alteration, and that data in the file cannot be easily changed.

The PDF format is also useful for documents that will be reproduced by using commercial printing methods. PDF files created using Ms Word cannot be edited directly from the PDF Viewer. To edit your PDF file, you need to make the changes to the parent file in Ms Word and then save it again as PDF; this will overwrite the existing one.


Before you are able to save or export your PDF file, you must primarily install the Publish as PDF or XPS add-in for the 2007 or any other Microsoft Office system you are using. This add-in allows you to save your document in the PDF format.

You can also install third parties add-ins which performs functions similar to that offered by Microsoft. To get the third party add-in, you need to Visit Microsoft Office Marketplace and browse or search for an add-in. when you get the desired add-in, follow the vendors information on installation.

You also need a PDF viewer such as Adobe reader, Reader or any other PDF reader you’ve got.


Saving your file as PDF is as easy as saving your file as DOC. It follows the same procedure although there are some settings you might want to apply to your PDF file. Let’s see how it’s done

1. Create your desired file in Ms Word, format it the way you want; you can include images, charts or any other object supported by Ms Word

2. Move your pointer to the Microsoft office button at the top left corner of your screen and click on it

Ms word office button

HINT: you can get help based on this by pressing F1 or FN + F1 on your keyboard

3. From the drop down menu, point to or click on save as and click on PDF or XPS. If you should click on the save as option, a dialog box will appear where you can type in your File name. Now, you will need to change the save as type from Word Document to PDF by clicking on it. But if you pointed to the save as option and then click on the PDF or XPS, you won’t need to change the save as type again because it will be set to PDF.

save as

4. On clicking the PDF or XPS button, a new dialog box will appear similar to that shown on the below image (office 2007). You can change your file name or allow the default one given to it by Word to be there. If you want your document to open automatically after saving it, then you have to tick the open after publishing option. (See screenshot below)


More useful settings can be made by clicking the Options… button. You can set the page range if you don’t want to convert the whole document into PDF, you can also generate bookmarks either through the headings present in the document or through the bookmarks you made during your writing process.


5. Once you are through with your settings, click OK. You can then view your file through any PDF reader

Conclusion: knowing how to create a PDF file can open up the gate to seeing a reasonable amount of money online. You can use this knowledge to create eBooks based on topics on your niche and offer them for sale or as a giveaway to your readers. You can also create PDF files for people and make money from it, teach others and so on. Now that you have gotten the knowledge, use it wisely.

Where you able to create your own PDF File using Ms Word? Did installing the add-on give you a tough time? Do you know of any other means through which you can create a PDF? Please share your problems with us in the comment section. Help make this post viral by using the share buttons below. Have a good time folk!

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