Coronavirus in Nigeria; Overview, Causes, Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment

Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19 has become a formidable threat to the health of the human populace at large. With over 208,550 cases and 8312 deaths recorded, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has practically triggered an unorthodox fear in the minds of many people around the world.

The popular saying “prevention is better than cure” is what everyone should strictly adhere to in this critical situation. The Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) has affected over 170 countries and disrupted a lot of social functions as well the economic activities in these said countries.

Coronavirus (Covid-19) which has recently been declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) has done more harm than good and it is very important for the necessary precautionary measures to be taken to ensure that more cases and deaths do not arise and people are indeed protected.

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Nigeria is not left out of the affected countries as three cases of the dreaded Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has recently been reported. One would begin to wonder why the sudden outbreak of this deadly disease and what it really means.

What is Coronavirus?

Coronavirus is a virus that causes respiratory tract infections in animals and humans. It can mild or severe which can be from common cold to serious cases like MERS, SARS and COVID-19.

The Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) is a new strain of virus discovered in 2019 that causes mild or severe respiratory infections in humans. It is said to be easily transferred from animals to humans but the actual animal said to be the cause of the Covid-19 has yet to be discovered.

History of Coronavirus

It has been reported that the Coronavirus (Covid-19) started from a live animal market in Wuhan, China where everyone present were infected with pneumonia but as of the beginning of this year 2020, a 61 year old man was confirmed to have died from the Coronavirus disease (Covid-19).

The rapid spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) is an issue of great concern as the health of the people is very important and should not be joked with. It would interest you to know that Coronavirus has been around for a long time but cases and deaths recorded then were not as high compared to the cases and deaths recorded from this new threat called” Covid-19.

It is very important for the average Nigerian to be well informed about the Coronavirus (Covid-19) so as to adopt the necessary preventive measures to ensure protection as well as safety. Social distancing at this very crucial moment is very paramount as the risk of getting infected in the midst of a large gathering is very high.

Enlightening the people at the grassroots level would help greatly to curb this rising menace. Health is wealth is a saying that rings true and as such proper orientation about the Covid-19 is needed to ensure that people stay healthy.

The spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) is getting out of hand as Five new more cases have been confirmed making the total number of Coronavirus cases in Nigeria rise to eight. Every day new cases keep coming up which makes the facts to keep changing.

The Federal government of Nigeria have taken the necessary precautionary measures by banning entry from 13 countries which have high numbers of infected people.

If you are more worried about the causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) then you don’t have to sweat it because this article has the answers you seek.

Causes of Coronavirus

The new strain of coronavirus is said to have originated from bats and spread to other animals but coronavirus is mostly common in animals like cats, camels and cattles. How Covid-19 first spread to humans is yet to be known.

Though the first transmission of the Covid-19 started in Wuhan, China from a seafood and animal market but it is believed that bats transmitted the virus to the other animals in the market.

Coronavirus is caused by touching infected surfaces and using the same hands to touch your eyes, nose and mouth. It can also be caused by coming in close contact with the bodily fluid of an infected person which can be droplets from coughing and sneezing.

Health experts are completely in the dark as to the animal that caused Covid-19 and that is why it is difficult to get the vaccine or treatment for the virus.

Elderly people and people with poor immune system run a high risk of getting infected with Coronavirus (Covid-19). I Elderly people and people with poor immune system run a high risk of getting infected with Coronavirus (Covid-19). I am not saying that children or young adults cannot get infected but it might be mild and not serious and that does not mean that safety measures should be left to chance.

Though the reported cases of Coronavirus in Nigeria is small, that does not mean it won’t increase if we let our guards down. The coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic is a global emergency which must be taken into serious consideration to avert any possible fatalities.

Symptoms of Coronavirus

It is best to see a doctor when you start having symptoms of common cold such as sneezing, coughing, fever, sore throat, body pains because this is a possible sign that you might have contracted the disease.

Other symptoms that cannot be ignored includes difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, dry cough, fatigue, headache, pneumonia or bronchitis which can be more predominant in people that have a weak immune system.

The symptoms of Covid-19 can be mild or severe. It is said that it takes 2 to 14 days for symptoms to develop after exposure and that is why personal hygiene is very important to prevent having the symptoms aforementioned.

Prevention of Coronavirus

The following are the preventive measures to adopt to avoid being infected:

1. Personal Hygiene

Wash your hands regularly with soap for at least 20 seconds after coming in contact with an exposed surface or after using the toilet or before eating and after sneezing & coughing. You can also use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol to ensure that your hands are free from germs.

Washing your hands during, before and after food preparation is also very important as it also aid in the prevention of coronavirus.

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2. Social/Physical Distancing

Avoid close contact with infected people. Always maintain at least one and half meters distance between yourself and anyone that is coughing and sneezing.

Don’t be in crowded places as the chance of getting infected can be very high especially if infected people are amongst the crowd.

3. Disinfect Your Environment

Always clean exposed surfaces and open areas around your home to get rid of dirt and germs.

4. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands to prevent the risk of getting infected.

5. Always cover your mouth and nose with tissue when coughing and do not cough into your hands as this can prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease.

Treatment of Coronavirus

The symptoms of Coronavirus usually go away on their own as there is no particular vaccine or treatment for Coronavirus disease (Covid-19).

See a doctor if symptoms persist for medication for fever or pain. If you have Covid-19, it is advisable to wear a face mask to avoid other people from being infected. Always find the most latest information about the Covid-19 infection on the WHO website.

Drink lots of water and be well rested if it is a problem of a common cold but if it is difficulty in breathing, then you should see your doctor immediately.


The outbreak of the Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) has caused serious damage physically, socially, emotionally and economically. It has disrupted lot of social activities and cause many deaths. Taking serious preventive measures can save more lives and ensure that the spread of the virus is controlled.

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