It has reached us that some prospective applicants are confused about how to check the JAMB result through their registration number for JAMB and D.E candidates. Since our JOB is to give quality information, we will provide you with the steps to take in checking your JAMB results via your J.A.M.B registration number as this is the most recommended and most used medium.Check Jamb Result
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Remember there are other ways to check the J.A.M.B result like:
- Result checking through SMS.
- Result checking through the JAMB Profile.
- Result checking through the USSD code.Information Guide Nigeria
but for the purpose of this article we will focus on one:
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What is J.A.M.B Registration Number?
The J.A.M.B registration number is a computer code that consists. of alphabet and numbers, used to identify jamb candidates, the registration number is actually generated when the JAMB slip is reprinted.POF Account Registration 2022 Portal Updates
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To Check the JAMB UTME Result with J.A.M.B Registration Number.
- Go to the J.A.M.B official website portal.
- When the website comes up, supply your E-mail address and Registration number to the space provided
- After which you are to select on the “Check your Result Tab”.
- The screen will display your result when the page loads if it has been uploaded.
- Ctrl P or print your result.
How to Check JAMB Result Online
To check your JAMB result online, all you need is your smartphone, good internet connection, your registration number, or email address used in registration.
Step 1: Go to the browser on your android, IOS, laptop, or any device you are using. Visit the Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board JAMB result checking portal at
If you are using an opera browser or chrome browser and you encounter a problem where you see just half of the result, change your setting to desktop view.
Step 2: Type in your JAMB email address and password and click on the “Login” button. You will be redirected to your dashboard;
Step/3: On your left vertical menu, under “Services” (on the left side of the page) click on the “Print Result Slip“ link, as shown below

Step 4:_Click on the “continue with payment” link to make payment via Remita platform. Check the photo below;
How to Print JAMB Original Result Slip Once you finish the payment, you will be redirected to your JAMB dashboard where you can proceed to print your result slip. Dollar to Naira black market
Step 5. On your JAMB dashboard, select your exam year and type in your JAMB Registration Number in the required space.
Step 6: Click on the “Print result” Icon.
How to check JAMB Result via Text
SMS is the only available method to check your JAMB 2023 result for now. We will update you when the result checking portal is opened. Meanwhile, If you are using a phone that has no internet connection, you do not need to go to a café, you can just check the result via text. This is not free though, and you have to use the SIM card you used for registration. It will deduct an amount of 50 Naira from your account, and it will be deducted as many times as you check the results.
To check;
- Send an SMS to 55019 or 66019 saying ‘UTMERESULT’ (No space or special character) SMS charge is 50 Naira
- Wait for the reply SMS containing your result.Check JAMB Result
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You can re-print your result by giving your registration number in any cyber cafe around your area.JAMB Result
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