Airtel Extra Credit: Subscription Codes, Loan Amount and Service Fees

Do you want to subscribe to Airtel extra credit, if yes, see the Airtel Extra Credit Subscription Codes, Loan Amount and Service Fees. People are always in need of airtime and credit to make calls. It is quite frustrating sometimes when you are on a call and you suddenly run out of credit and cannot continue your conversation.

This is why people are always looking to get the best deals from their service providers and operators so they can be able to spend more time making calls.

In Nigeria we see various GSM providers battling it out with each other to grab the market by creating various plans and packages to keep their existing subscribers on their platform and also attract new subscribers.

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The competition between the various GSM companies has led to a lot of packages comprising different tariff plans being created to suit the needs of different customers. This has led to subscribers having a lot of choices and they are able to select plans that they can afford and suit their needs.

One of the GSM operators Airtel, knowing the needs of the people and their existing subscribers has introduced a lot of products to the market that will help customers and subscribers make and complete that important call without necessarily spending much to achieve this.

Airtel has got a plan known as Extra Credit that allows customers to make and complete their calls without worrying about running out of airtime or credit. Now customers have peace of mind making and completing their calls.

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Airtel Extra Credit is a credit advance service for prepaid customers. Airtel Extra Credit allows customers who do not have airtime or credit on their mobile line to borrow credit from the service provider Airtel and pay back later. With this type of plan, customers do not have to be worried of not making and completing that call.

What this means is that if a customer or subscriber is making a call and suddenly runs out of credit without finishing what they are saying, all he or she simply has to do is borrow airtime from Airtel and continue with their call.

To be able to use this service and plan, you have to fulfill the following requirements

  • You must be prepaid customer with an active line
  • Your line must be 3 months old
  • To enjoy the benefits of this service you must have paid for all the airtime you have previously borrowed.

To get the service all you simply have to do is dial *500#

Customers or subscribers will be required to repay the credit loan within three days. This means when next you recharge your line the loan will be deducted from your account. The airtime borrowed can be used to make calls to all networks.

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Airtel Extra Credit advance service allows prepaid subscribers to receive and use airtime on loan. There are some conditions subscribers have to meet before they become eligible to use the service.

The table below explains and illustrates the conditions subscribers have to meet before being eligible to receive advance credit.

Airtime Advance Denomination (Naira) Average total monthly airtime top up(Naira) Minimum Duration on Network (months) Minimum Number of Airtime Top-ups per Month
              25                75                3                  3
              50               150                3                  3
            100               300                3                  3
            200               600                3                  3
            500             1500                3                  3
           1000             3000                3                  3
           2000              6000                3                  3

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From the table above you can see that the minimum amount that can be borrowed is 25 Naira while the maximum amount that can be borrowed is 2000 Naira. To enjoy and benefit from the service you should meet the following requirements:

  • Should have been on the Airtel network for at least 3 months
  • You should have top-up or recharged your line at least three times in a month
  • You should also have recharged up to a particular amount monthly before borrowing or requesting for the airtime you need. For example if you need 25 Naira you must have recharged up to 75 Naira on your line in a month. If you need 500 Naira you should have recharged up to 1500 Naira on your line in a month.



When you borrow 25 Naira you will charged 20% service fee while other amounts attracts a 10% service fee.

This means for example when you borrow 25 Naira you will be given 20 Naira with 5 Naira deducted as service charge. So when next you recharge your line 25 Naira will be taken from your account.

Also when you borrow 500 Naira you will be given 450 Naira with 50 Naira deducted as service charge. So when next you recharge your line 500 Naira will be taken from your account.

There are occasions when you may qualify for airtime loan regardless of the airtime balance in your account and the amount of times you have recharged in a month.

To further serve their customers better, Airtel has improved on the Extra Credit plan by introducing a plan known as Auto Credit Service.

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Auto Credit service is an opt-in service for subscribers who are qualified for Extra Credit to always have their accounts or line credited with airtime once their account balances fall below seven Naira twenty kobo (7.20).

The service is open to subscribers who have been on the network for 3 months. Subscribers are to pay the loan in three days and can use the airtime to make calls to other networks.



To opt-in and subscribe for the Auto Credit Service, customers should simply dial *500# and select the second option which is Auto Credit

Subscribers will be charged 10% of the amount requested and will be given 10% less of what they requested or borrowed.

You can make international calls with the airtime borrowed as well as browse the internet

If you do not repay your credit loan within three days, you will not be able to access Auto Credit Service until you pay back what you owe. This can greatly affect your credit rating which can prevent you from borrowing higher amounts in the future.

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You can opt-out or unsubscribe for the service by simply dialing the short code *500# and select the unsubscribe option.


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