is a multi-author blog in Nigeria founded by Ifiokobong Ibanga.
Here we publish several helpful articles in various categories, such as how-to articles, where to find things, resources, business, interviews, and reviews.
Our aim is to provide a daily living guide for Nigerians as well as international readers.
About Ifiokobong Ibanga
Ifiokobong Ibanga is a professional blogger and the founder of He has been blogging since 2012 to date. He is passionate about writing and sharing valuable information with readers. He earns income from this website through Google AdSense, other advertising networks and affiliate marketing. He is currently leading a team of professionals and consultants from different fields of human endeavour who provide daily useful information to our growing audiences.
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The content on is provided as general information only. The ideas expressed on this site are solely the opinions of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the opinions of anyone else. The author may or may not have a financial interest in any company or advertiser referenced. Any action taken as a result of information, analysis, or advertisement on this site is ultimately the responsibility of the reader. Read more… Terms or Use
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